13. The Date

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"Zayn, why are blind folding me?", giggling Harry said as Zayn started blind folding him in front of their locked apartment door.

They were back from their University. They had lots of fun at their lunch table. After cutting the cake, all his 4 friends and Zayn had showered him with gifts. Where Liam and Louis had given him a gift card from from Gucci, Niall and Andrew had gifted him a brand new watch from Titan. Zayn had given him a fluffy sweater in orange and white with a cute kitten in front of it, making Harry giggle, 'cause Orange was Harry's favourite colour and he loved kittens. Then after attending the rest of their classes, the 3 couples had gone to a small café to have a nice chat over a cup of coffee. After that, Zayn and Harry had bid the four lads goodbye but not before sharing a big group hug. Andriall were staying with Lilo until they found a new apartment for them, 'cause well, they had decided to move to Bradford and joining the same University as Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry.

"You'll see", Zayn whispered in his ears from behind him, sending shivers through his spine.

He took the Harry's book bag from him and came in front of him. Harry heard the door unlocked then felt Zayn's hand holding his.

Zayn slowly pulled him with himself into the apartment, and then locked the door behind them. Zayn slowly walked him inside more and stopped in the middle of the living room. He knew it 'cause he felt the back of his knees touching the sofa which they keep in the middle of the room. After sometimes, he could hear soft music playing on their speakers in a mid volume and smiled when he recognized them as his favourite.

He felt Zayn dropping their bags on the softly then came in front him. Harry could feel his breath on his lips. He felt Zayn slowly taking the blindfold off his eyes and in some times he could again see Zayn's beautiful face in front of him.

"Z-Zay--", he started but Zayn cut him off by softly putting a finger on his lips.

"Sshh", smiling, Zayn shushed him then slowly moved aside to let Harry see what he had prepared for him.

When Harry slowly looked ahead a gasp escaped his lips. They were standing in a corner of the living room. Their sofa was not in the middle of the room, instead, there was a blanket with candles surrounding it, lighting up the whole dark living room and a basket in the middle of it.

"Um", Zayn said making Harry turn around to see him scratching the back of his neck, nervously.

"I know it's not much, but, um I wanted to take you out on a date today b-but I didn't know what to d-d--", his rambling stopped with lips pressed against his. Harry's lips pressed against his. And he could feel Harry's salty tears on his lips. Harry pulled back and rested his forehead on his.

"You know, you are an idiot.", Harry said, smiling through his tears. "This is the best birthday of my life Zaynie and this date is just beautiful." He pecked Zayn's lips once more. "Now stop rambling and let's start our date silly. I'm hungry.", giggle Harry said making Zayn smile wide. He squeaked when felt Zayn picked him up in a bridal style and placed him onto the blanket.

Harry looked around himself and smiled in delight when he smelled the light fragrance of the vanilla scented candles around him. Zayn sat beside him and he was quick to sit on his lap, hugging him.

"You liked it?", Zayn asked, kissing his temple.

"I loved it Zaynie. This is so beautiful", Smiling Harry said. His eyes glistening with happiness in the candle lit dark room.

"But we were in the University this whole time, how did you do it?", Harry asked, now slightly confused.

"Having a apartment in a 10 mins driving distance to your University  has its own perks I guess.", chuckling Zayn said. "Um, I had skipped the last class. After dropping you at your last class I came here and prepared it. Um, I brought McDonald's on my way, I hope it's fine?", Zayn asked, a little unsure. He knew Harry loved McDonald's but didn't know if it was okay for a first date. It was both of their first date for goodness sake.

Rubbing soothing circles on his back, Harry kissed the side of Zayn's neck softly which quickly calmed him down. "This is more than okay Zaynie. You don't know how much this means to me. This, this is my first ever date Zaynie and I know it's your first too. You know, I have always dreamed about how my perfect first date would be but..but this is more than perfect Zaynie. And being here with you makes it super perfect. Thank you so much Zaynie.", Harry said as he hugged zayn softly, his head resting on Zayn's chest, hearing his increasing heartbeat.

"You know Haz, I have dreamed about my first date too. I was so nervous before but your one smile, and all my nervousness just went away. And I know Haz, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but with you.",Zayn admitted as he placed a kiss on his curls.

They both sat in the comfortable silence until Harry's phone rang making him groan in annoyance and Zayn chuckle. He snuggled more into Zayn's side not wanting to pick up his phone.

"Pick up the phone Harry, maybe that's important.", Zayn said smiling, making Harry pout.

"Please?", Zayn said again and Harry huffed.

"Fine", he huffed before fetching his phone out of his jeans pocket. He smiled, seeing it was his mom calling. But before he could answer it the call got cut.

"Call them back?", Zayn asked.

"Can we call them after our date? Pleaseee?",Harry said in a pleading voice.

"Oka--", but Zayn's voice cut off with another beeping from Zayn's phone. He fetched his own out to see it was from his mom.

Sweetie, could you please facetime us now? I know you guys are back from Uni. So if you guys are not busy could you? Me, your papa, and Harry's mom dad wants to wish him Happy Birthday.

Zayn smiled at the text then sent a quick reply saying, "sure mum, nust lemme grab my laptop"

He got up to bring the laptop from his back on the sofa making Harry frown.

"What's going on Zaynie?", Harry asked, seeing his boyfriend fetching out the laptop from his back then coming back on the blanket. He switched it on before calling their parents.

Zayn placed a quick kiss on his forehead before replying, "our family wants to wish you Happy birthday baby, that's why you mum called you. When you didn't pick up my mum messaged me to facetime them, so I'm calling them."

"B-but Z-Zaynie", Zayn noticed his stutter and frowned, not knowing what's wrong. "What will we tell them about this?", Harry said pointing at the candles around them and the picnic basket.

Zayn's eyes went wide. He didn't think about it. He was about to cut the cakk when the other line answered it and the only thing they could utter at the same time was, "Shit!"

*******Merry Christmas Loves*****

Dedicated to: zarryslovrrr love-n-war piggypie213 SamanthaAMMY zaynpsyco and all the readers and voters ^_^ love you all :*

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