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 "Are you two okay?" Millard asked.

The boys sat clutching each other closely for a moment, then nodded.

"That's good. Let's keep going. We need to find Jake, Emma, and the others." 

As Millard and the boys continued, they came across a small cell. Inside was a young looking girl, no more than 12 years old. She has blonde hair with pink and green streaks. She was wearing a tattered sky blue dress. She was sitting on the cott with her head in her hands.

"Wait! Stop here for a second you two. I'm gonna go help her." Millard called to the brothers. They nodded and Millard approached the door. It wasn't even locked.

"Hello?" Millard calls to her.

Her head snaps up and she stares. "Who's there?" She stutters, scared.

"I apologize.  My name is Millard Nullings. I am a peculiar like you. I'm here to get you out."

She doesn't move. "How do I know I can trust you?"

Millard thinks for a moment. "Joel-and-Peter! Peter-and-Joel! Can you come here for a second?" 

The two boys that had been waiting outside entered. "Hello-" said one "Miss." said the other.

"What do these two have to do with me trusting you?" The girl asked.

"Millard here-" said Joel-and-Peter.

"Saved our-" said Peter-and-Joel.

"Lives." They said together.

"What are they doing?" She asked.

"They are echolocators, if separated, they have a sonic scream, and they always know what the other is thinking." Millard explained.

"I don't know why, but I trust you." She said, no longer afraid.

"Are you ready to go?" Millard asked.

"Yes, and my name is Saphira. My peculiarity is I can turn into a dragon."


Thank you for reading my story. I'm sorry it's taken forever to update. I  ouldnt think of anything to write and I've had loads of tests at school. 

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