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*Image is Saph's hairstyle in this chapter*

Saphira awoke in the morning with a start. It's the day Miss Peregrine and the demigods returned! She jumped out of bed, tossed on an aquamarine colored dress, braided her hair, (Image above) and ran to Millards room. "Mill! Get up! Miss P. is coming back!" She said as she pounded on the door.

A groaning noise came from behind the door. "Enoch and Nico are coming back too though," He said as he forced himself out of bed. He dressed in jeans and a Mario themed t-shirt. "Why do I have so much future clothes?" He thought.

"I heard that!" Saphira shouted. "And it's because Miss P. gave it to you from the fortress storage!"

Millard opened the door. "Happy now? Come on. We've got to go cook for the others, they'll be back soon. By the way, Miss Thrush was keeping the loop up while we were here. We need to thank her." 


As the two set out to do chores, the demigods had just made it back. 

"Hey guys! I've got a joke for you!" Leo said as he rode on Festus with five large planks of wood balanced on the dragons tail.

"No! Leo, we've heard enough jokes!" Nico shouted. He was controlling three skeletons to carry two sheets of metal. It was hard work.

Will walked up behind him. "Sure Leo. Another joke is always appreciated. Especially when people are getting frumpy." He said, placing a hand on Nicos shoulder. Now Will was carrying a large bag of nails, screws, hammers, etc., but didn't seem to mind.

Leo laughed. "Okay. What did Voldemort say to Wormtail while they were bowling?" 

Everyone groaned. This was going to have a bad punchline.

"Kill the spare!" He ended.

Nico sent one of the skeletons to slap Leo off his dragon. "That was the lamest joke I've ever heard! Don't do it again. Besides, we're back."

This much was true. They had made it to the loop entrance. They walked through, stopping where they needed to place the items.

"Leo, I have a question. Why did we need to travel for an entire day to get these things?" Annabeth asked.

Leo jumped, he wasn't expecting her to talk to him. "Because I have a discount at that store. We got everything half priced. Isn't that great?" 

Just then, the rest of the peculiars walked into the loop as well. "Well, well, well. The great and mighty demigods returned!" Enoch said, giving them a sarcastic round of applause.

"Don't be mean Enoch! They just got back from getting stuff to make places to sleep." Claire said, pulling on his sleeve.

He gave her a fake smile. "Alright Claire. I won't." But the glare he sent them said otherwise.

"Now children. Let's go see what Saphira and Millard have been up to while we were gone." Miss Peregrine suggested to keep them all from arguing.


Mill and Saph were in the kitchen, trying to make pasta. It was hard without the Brothers there to help them, but they did pretty good. The kitchen was stocked full of the things needed to make noodles, sauce, and meatballs, but not just the items. The two struggled with these things but successfully made spaghetti and meatballs. They got distracted every now and then, but they got back on track after a couple minutes. A couple kisses were given, a sneak attack hug or two, but they got the cooking finished.

By the time they got the table set and the food put onto separate dishes for each of the people, the demigods and peculiars walked into the dining room. 

"So! What did you two do these past couple days? Have fun?" Enoch questioned earnestly.

Saphira and Millard choked on the water they had been drinking. 

"Enoch! Don't be rude! They're only sixteen! Saphira just looks younger than that. You can't see Mill, so ease up on them! Don't just assume things of them! They cooked for us!" Hugh shouted at the bully of a peculiar.

Emma looked over at him. "Wow Hugh. That's one of the first things you've said since we moved in here! What's happened to you?"

Now, a little inside information from me, the author, Hugh had a bit of a crush on Saphira C. Shadewing. He didn't tell anyone because he thought it was wrong to have a crush on anyone so soon after his girlfriends death. At least, if she died. She might have lived. But after Saph got Millard as her boyfriend, he just gave up a bit. He knows Enoch is a bully, so he decided to be a bit of a guard, a protector, something like that.

He shrugged. "I just.....don't like Enoch's bullying." He said quickly. Almost too quickly.


Hi readers! We have over 250 reads! I never, ever thought this story would get more than 10 reads! I'm sorry I've been updating a day later than I should. I'll try to do it sooner next week.

Have a good day and stay peculiar!

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