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Two days later:

"Saphira! Wait!" Millard called as she walked ahead of him.

"What?" She retorted.

"Why did you leave?" He asked.

"Enoch's why! I just can't stand the guy!"

Millard walked up to her and gave her a hug. "It's okay. He isn't always a grump. He's always really kind to Horace."

She looked at him oddly. "How do you know that?"

He stopped. "I...may have...stalked them one night," 

"You stalked them? How?" Saphira asked.

"You know how you can only see me if I have clothes on?" He hinted.

She scoffed. "Millard! That's nasty! You stalked your friends naked!?"

Millard turned and ran before she could change and attack him.


"Millard! Millard! Come out! I need to talk to you!" Saphira called an hour after Millard ran away.

Millard was hiding behind a doorway. "Sup?" He stated.

She smiled. "Hey. Wanna go see a movie? I heard a good one came out recently." 

He thought this over. "A movie? Hmmm....sounds entertaining. And it's not a dream that Horace had."

Millard looked out of his thoughts to the girl standing in front of him. "Sounds good. Wanna ask Horace and Enoch if they want to come? Call it a double date, just don't tell them that."

"Let's go look for them." Saphira offered.

After about ten minutes, Millard saw Horace walking alone. "Horace! Do you and Enoch want to come see a movie with us?" Saphira offered.

Horace smiled at her. "Sure! do you know about Enoch and I?" He questioned.

She shrugged. "Female intuition." She turned to Millard and projected "Your welcome for saving your sorry, sneaky butt."

"Thank you." He whispered in her ear.

Horace looked confused. "Why did you...oh yeah. I forgot you two are practically telepathic."

Saphira smiled. "So, do you want to meet us by the front gates in, say, an hour?"

Horace smiled. "Sounds good."


An hour later, the four of them, with Miss Peregrines permission, were going to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

 Saphira was extremely excited. "I've heard the Niffler is so cute!" 

Millard sighed. "Calm down. We can see if what you've heard is true."

After a minute, they made it to where they were going. 

"Hi! Four tickets to see Fantastic Beasts." Horace told the woman at the desk.

She glanced at the group. "My, your an odd bunch. Why are you four here together?"

Saphira sighed. "Isn't it obvious? Double date. Teenage style."

It suddenly dawned on the woman. "Of course! I can see that now. Here are your tickets young lady, and sorry for questioning you."

They stepped up to the counter and ordered snacks. Millard got a box of Junior Mints, Horace got M&Ms, Enoch got skittles, and Saphira got a popcorn. They all entered the theater and sat down in the third to front row just as the previews started.


"Wow! That was amazing!" Horace said as they exited the theater.

"Yeah! I especially liked the Occamy! How about you Enoch?" Saphira asked.

"I liked the Murtlap." He stated.

"I enjoyed seeing the Bowtruckle." Millard told Saphira. 

"The movie was just amazing! And a sequel comes out in a couple years! What do you guys say to seeing the next then?"

They all agreed. That sounded amazing.


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