First Day Out (or In I should say)

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 Saphira awoke the next morning feeling refreshed from a good nights sleep. She looked over at Millard's bed and saw he was already up, as his bed was empty. Or was it?

"Millard? Are you still sleeping or are you gone?" Saph mumbled. Nothing came in reply, so she got up and grabbed her outfit of the day, which was a black and white polka dotted dress, and went to take a shower.

 Nothing came in reply, so she got up and grabbed her outfit of the day, which was a black and white polka dotted dress, and went to take a shower

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"Hello? Is anyone in here?" A voice, Millard's voice, asked from the doorway. 

Thank god Saphira was finished. "Mill! How are you today?" She asked.

"I'm good. A bit tired, but good." He shrugged. He didn't want to tell Saphira, but he didn't get more than an hour of sleep the night before. He was too busy thinking over the day before.

She smiled. "Okay, I'm sorry. Maybe you could stay here today and sleep. Maybe Renata could get the animals outside to keep it quiet for a few hours,"

Millard waved his hands. "No, no, no. It's okay. I'll survive the day," He muttered. Before Saph could say anything, he grabbed her hand and led her downstairs to where the others were.

Enoch and Horace were sitting by each other (of course), the two Brothers eating their meals in silence, Emma across from Jacob and Olive to her side. Leo was sitting by Hugh, telling him a joke. Hugh didn't smile. He was neck deep in the friendzone with no way out, so he felt a little let down. Annabeth was sitting across from Percy, who was talking with Frank. Hazel sat next to Frank as Nico and Will sat at the end of this line of friends. 

Horace yawned. "Early, isn't it?" He asked.

Will chuckled. "Horace, its ten in the morning. It is not early. What makes you think that?"

"Nothing. I'm just really tired." He replied.

Saphira perked. "Millard's tired too. Maybe something's going around. You two should stay in bed today just to make sure."

"No!" Both peculiar guys said at once. They looked at each other and laughed. Before this whole captured thing happened, they were good friends.

Millard shook his head. "I don't think we feel that terrible. We're just extremely tired." 

"Agreed. Maybe if we just don't do anything too exhilarating." He said, sharing a quick glance with Enoch.

Saph laughed at this. "Horace you are hilarious." 

Hugh looked at her. "Maybe a few of us could go for a walk?"

"By a few you mean...." Mill started.

Hugh sighed. "By a few I mean, Horace, Enoch, Nico, myself, Will, and Saphira." 

This set Millard off. "Oh, no you don't! Trying to get Saphira alone?! Not on my watch!" He said, standing. 

Hugh stood as well. "I just want friends to go for a walk together!"

"Children! This is the second day in a row people have fought at breakfast. To your rooms, both of you!"


Dragons, how are you today? It's been an exhausting week. Just so you all know, I have state testing next week so if I don't update this story, that's why. Anyway, thank you for reading this story! It might be ending soon, just to warn you.

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