Answers? No? Okay.......

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//I feel like this song kinda is just......really good and kinda explains some of the issues Bella has. Don't mind the awesome art of Cross. None of this belongs to me, btw. Only Sapphie, Renata, and Mercedes. The idea of Thessaloniki was my idea too. Otherwise, it all belongs to the respectful authors and creators. Anyway! On to the chappie!

Bella whirled around, clearly scared. "Oh, it's just you Renata. What do you want?" She seemed tense.

Renata raised her arms. "Whoa, calm down! I just want some answers. Please tell me, girl to girl, what's going on between you and Celestia?"

The girl with purple hair sighed. "Oh, Renata. If I told you, you would wish you had never asked."

"Well, I've got time, and I'm not going anywhere. Explain to me what is going on between you guys, please. Millard sent me, by the way."

Bella nodded. "I should have known he would send someone. Very well, I will tell you. You may want to take a seat."

Renata sat on the edge of the bed. She looked around. It was her room after all. It seemed Bella didn't have many belongings if she was almost done.

Bella took a deep breath before beginning.

"It started back in 1985. Me and Cel were in the same loop. We lived with Miss Treecreeper. I remember Sapphie alright, but I never paid attention to her. Celestia was like my sister. We would do everything together. Play, eat, cry, everything. 

"But one day, Cel said she wanted to leave the loop. We had been there for about a year at this time. I told her that she shouldn't, and she told me I needed to come with her. She claimed there was a spy for the wights among us. I told her she was losing her mind, but she laughed it off and grabbed my arm, pulling me through the loop entrance along with her. I struggled with myself along with her grip. I wanted to go with my best friend, but at the same time I wanted to stay behind in the safeness of the loop. I ended up saying nothing and going limp. I didn't care about anything anymore. 

"I never used my peculiarity, I never spoke, I hardly ate, I would refuse water. I wanted to die, but Cel wouldn't let me. She forced food and liquid upon me. 

"Sometimes, Celestia would leave me to fend for myself for days on end. She would disappear and not come back for bird knows how long. I would sit against a tree, a wall, whatever there was where we were staying at the time."

She paused to take in a shaky breath. Bella then continued the story.

"I would think of nothing during these times. Just of why I was still alive and didn't kill myself then and there. I would argue with myself for hours on end, whether I should run away and back to the loop, or stay with Cel, or kill myself. These battles would go on and on. I would harm myself. Cut my wrists with bits of glass or I would stuff my face in a pillow just to feel myself slowly suffocate.

"But one day, she came back. We had been staying in a cheap hotel at this point. She had some guy with her. She threw me out of the room. She said I didn't deserve her help and that I should just die. And I wanted to.

"I ran off into the streets, my peculiarity running free. I was seeing everyone's dreams and what they all meant, even if it was nonsense. I would scream at random times  and any kids who attempted to comfort me, bless their sweet souls, would squeal and run back to their parents. I looked at them when the attack of meanings was over, and all I could see in their eyes was fear. One little girl walked up to me during an attack and she whispered to me 'Stop please, you're scaring me.' I growled and looked at her, straight in the eyes and said 'Damn right. You should be scared of me.'."

Renata gasped. "Bella.....I' sorry...." She said, barely a whisper.

Bella lowered her head. "I was taken in by some normals and they raised me from then until I met you guys. They hated me so much, I ran away and to you. And here I am. I stayed in different loops from time to time and I witnessed a loop collapsing. There, the life story of Bella Cheyenne Streamside."

Renata understood Bella might need some time to herself, so she left. 

-------------(Timeskip brought to you by the Precious Cinnamon Roll Papyrus)---------------------

"Saphira! Saphira! Saphira Chara Shadewing! I need to talk to you!" Renata yelled down the hall. 

Saph was sitting on her bed reading when this call came. She shut the book and looked up. "Yeah?"

Renata smiled. "I got all the answers you'll need."


Gasp! Did Bella actually update for once? That's a miracle!

Hey Dragons. It is I, the Magnificent Bella!

Yeah, I'm alive.

Sorry for not updating for almost a month. 

I've been busy

I was in a play that had practice every weekday then parents who don't exactly approve of my writing and what I write about

YEP! My life is just PEACHY! 

Anyway, yeah. I'm here, chappie's up

I've got a song on there

Hope you enjoyed

Leave a comment plz


//Published 7/4/17

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