Christmas special

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"Miss Treecreeper!" Saphira called once he found the exit.

"Saphira...I don't think she's around. And if she is, she only has part of a soul." Millard explained.

Suddenly, Renata ran up behind Millard and jumped on him. "Hey! Do you know what holidays coming up?" She shouted.

"I don't know. We didn't celebrate holidays in my old loop. We were too busy trying not to die from bombs." Millard said as Renata slid off his back.

"Christmas! It's when you get presents for important people in your life. Then they get something for you. But you don't know what that present is, until Christmas Day. You place them under a decorated pine tree, and then first thing on Christmas is sit down by the tree and open gifts with your loved ones." Renata told him.

"Wow." He said. "How am I going to get a gift for everyone in my loop? I also want to get one for Saphira. But Jake, Emma, Claire, Horace, Enoch, Hugh, Bronwyn, the Twins, Olive, and Miss Peregrine! That's 11 gifts!"  He thought, slightly panicking.

"Millard, are you okay?" Saphira asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I can hear your thoughts. You don't need to buy me a gift. I don't need or want anything. I've got my friends, your ymbryne, your friends, and you. But I'll help you get gifts for your friends. I'm good at those things." 

"Okay. That's sounds nice." He accepted.

"Okay. So tell me, who should we get a gift for first?" She started.

"Well, let's start with Horace. He loves fashion." Millard told her.

"Perfect! Let's get him a new tie. Next?" 

"Let's do Olive. She loves just about anything little girls do."

Easy! Let's get her a baby doll, or a new tiara. Next?"

"Enoch. He's a little more difficult. He's more of an isolated kind of person. But we could as Horace. They've been really close lately. I've never seen him open up more than with Horace."

"All right! Let's go as him." 


"Horace! We don't want to ruin the surprise."


It took a while, but they soon found Horace help I got hand out clothes to the freed peculiars.

"Hey, Horace! Do you know what Enoch might want as a gift?" Saphira asked as she neared him.

"Why ask me?" He replied sharply.

"We're getting Christmas gifts and thought you'd know what he'd want, since he'd never tell us." Millard explained.

"Well, he loves black, but will survive with navy blue, or just a hat with the fuzzy balls on top. He likes those. Good luck!" He called after them as they walked away.

"So what was that about?" Millard asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Why else would Enoch open up to Horace but not even your ymbryne? He clearly has a crush on Horace!" Saphira exclaimed.

"Who has a crush on Horace now?" Enoch exclaimed as he approached the two, clearly blushing, yet hiding it well.

"Ummm....nobody." Saphira quickly lied.

"I don't believe you." He said.

"Just leave her alone Enoch!" Millard shouted.

"Aww! Does ickle Miwward have a cwush on Saphiwa?" Enoch said in a baby voice.

"Knock it OFF Enoch!" Millard screamed.

"Mr. Nullings! We do not shout at others!" Miss Peregrine scolded as she approached.

"He was making fun of me and Saphira!" He explained.

"Mr. O'Connor, come back here." She said as Enoch tried to make a break for it. "Now, you two boys hug and make up, then you may go on your way."

Enoch and Millard shared a really awkward hug, then parted ways. Enoch headed toward Horace, Millard headed towards where Saphira was sitting.

"Who else do we need to brainstorm for?" Saphira asked after Millard sat down next to her.

"How about Jake. I know he likes manatees." He replied.


Hello my readers! Almost 80 reads at the time I published this chapter! By the way, don't be a silent reader, comment down what you think!

Did anyone notice that during the chapter, I added a little Miphira and Enorace? I'm trying really hard to add a little bit of the popularish ships in there.

Merry Christmas and stay peculiar my readers! 🎄 🎄 

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