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A/N Watch the new trailer for this! It's on the first chapter!:) ~TheCurlyOnesMinexx

Chapter Three.

(Ella's P.O.V)

"Hey Lu-Oh hey you're the girls from the game stop!" Ashton said standing up from the couch and walking over to us. There was a snack table, three couches, and a two TV's. One projecting the concert, and the other projecting a video game that two other boys I didn't know were playing.

"Yeah." I said and smiled as he hugged me.

"Wow Luke, you must have a real thing for her if you picked her out of the crowd." One of the boys playing the game said. Luke's cheeks went pink.

"I bumped into her outside, Michael." Luke said to so called Michael. Hayley sat on the couch that was facing the T.V playing the concert.

"Thank you L.A!" One of the boys from One Direction said from the screen .

"Come on, I want you to meet the boys." Luke grabbed my wrist and I cringed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I said a little too fast... Luke gave me a weird look. I felt my face go white and my mind scrambled to think of an excuse. "Uh, I just have a bruise there." I nodded.

"Oh sorry," He let go of my wrist. "Follow me." I did as he said. And internally ex-haled. Boys are so clueless. Thank God. I thought.

Luke led me through a few hallways full of doors labeled different things, musicians dressing room, maintenance room, stage equipment , etc. Then we came to a door labeled. "One Direction's dressing room."

"You'll like them I promise." Luke said and smiled. I nodded and smiled for his sake but I doubt I would like five stuck up douche bag boys. He opened the door and one with blonde hair, I think his name was Niall? I think that's Hayley's favorite. He gave Luke a hug and said,

"What's up? Oh what's your name babe?" Babe? Ugh.

"Ella." He stuck his hand out.

"Nice to meet you Ella, I'm Niall." He said and I shook his hand.

"Well, I'm gonna go introduce her to the other boys, see you later Niall."

"Bye." Niall said and Luke guided me more into the dressing room.

"See there not that bad." Luke said. Yes they are. I just smiled up at him.

"LUCASSSSSS!" A shirtless curly haired boy said.

"HAROLDDD!" Luke responded and laughed.

"Hey I thought I told you to call me Harry?" Supposedly Harry said.

"I thought I told you to call me Luke." They both laughed and hugged.

"Oh who's this cutie?" Harry said and winked at me. I smiled but in my head I punched him in the face.

"Hi, I'm Ella." I said. Blandly.

"And I'm Harry." He said and smiled.

"Well Lucas-"

"Yes Harold?" Luke said getting Harry back for calling him Lucas. Harry Laughed.

"I'm gonna go torcher Josh a bit, where's Ashton?" Harry said looking around.

"Back at our dressing room." Luke pointed behind him.

"Alright see ya." Harry said and ran off to find Ashton.

"I don't like him very much." I said as we continued walking.

"Why?" Luke asked shocked.

"He's like the kind of guys that used to bully me..."

"He's just really flirtatious... He grows on you." I laughed uncomfortably and then we stopped in front of a guy with a brown quiff watching. T.V

"Hey Luke," The guy smiled and stood to hug Luke.

"Hey," Luke replied.

"Sorry Love, didn't see ya there. What's you're name?" He asked and smiled sweetly. Now this guy was nice. I thought.

"Hi I'm Ella, nice to meet you." I said and put out my hand for him to shake.

"Lovely name for a lovely girl. Are we gonna be seeing more of you around here?" He asked.

"I hope so." I said and smiled at him.

"Good." He said. I blushed and Luke said,

"Bye Liam, I'm gonna go introduce her to the rest of the boys."

"Alright, catch ya later mate." Liam said and continued watching T.V. When we were out of ear shot I said,

"I like him. He's REALLY nice." Luke smiled.

"Yeah," Luke pointed to a very attractive guy with dark hair texting on his phone. "That's Zayn, Hey Zayn!" Zayn looked up and smiled standing to greet Luke.

"This is Ella." Luke said and gestured to me."

"Hi, I'm Zayn." He said giving me his hand.

"Hi," I said and met it.

"Louis over there," He pointed to a couch a little way away. "If you're looking for him."

"Thanks, See you later Zayn." Luke said and guided me to Louis. Harry and Ashton were apparently done tormenting... Josh was it? Because they were now wrestling with so called Louis.

"Hey look! OW! Harry stop! THE GIRLFRIEND IS HERE!" Louis said. All of them stopped and looked at me. I looked up at Luke and said,


"You were with me the whole time! I said NOTHING about you being my girlfriend." Luke said defensively.

"Yeah well you brought her to meet all of your friends and you picked her out of the crowed sooo-"

"I RAN INTO HER OUTSIDE," Luke interrupted Louis. "And I only brought her to meet you guys because she doesn't like One Direction!"

"Aww! Babe! Why?" Harry asked.

"PLEASE don't call me babe, and because you guys just seem like the preppy douche bags at my old school..." I said nonchalantly. Louis scoffed and walked over to me.

"You are coming with me." He said and picked me up.


"COME ON BOYS WERE LEAVING!" Louis yelled. "Sorry Luke I'm confiscating your girlfriend."

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND." Louis started walking out of the dressing room followed by the rest of the boys.

"WHATEVER YOU SAY!" Louis said.


"At least let me come with you Louis!" Luke responded to my call.

"Nope!" Louis shut the door on Luke and put me down. "Follow me love, we're gonna show you what One Direction is really like."

(Luke's P.O.V)

I stomped back to my dressing room and sat angrily on one of the couches.

"Aww why's little Lukey so angry?" Ashton said walking in the door.

"You saw the whole thing..." I replied.

"Oh my god. NO WAY! You're mad because they took the hot chick?" He started dying of laughter.

"WHAT?" I snapped.

"You totally like her! Dude! It's only been two days!"


"Calm down, I'm on your side," He picked up his jacket and put it on.

"Now, let's go get your girlfriend back."

"She's not my girlfriend..." I mumbled before walking out the door behind him.

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