Does She Like Me?

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Chapter Twelve.

Luke's P.O.V

I pulled Ella and Miranda off of the floor and locked the door. I enclosed Ella in an enormous hug. I felt her tightly hug me back.

"That scared the shit out of me." I said into her shirt. She started laughing and I laughed with her. I felt arms starting to tangle around Ella and I, so I looked up. Everyone in the room was in a group hug. "Okay guys, we need to make sure the girls didn't see Ella come over here." I said after a couple of seconds. Everyone departed and I looked at Ella and smiled. I made my way to the little side window of our house and looked out it at Ella's apartment complex.

"Are they doing anything?" Calum asked.

"They're looking for her with flashlights. Not even real flashlights just apps on their phones..." I said and realized how prissy they must be.

"So were safe?" Miranda asked. I turned from the window to face everyone.

"I think we should lock all the windows and doors, put curtains up, and put things in front of the doors just to be safe." Miranda nodded and all the guys got to work doing what I had said. I helped Michael move a book shelf in front of the door.

"Thanks." I patted him on the back. I made my way upstairs to lock all the windows and put curtains up. I heard someone follow me and I turned around to see who it was, once I got to the top of the staircase. It was Ella.

"Do you need some help?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah sure. thanks," I smiled sweetly at her. She smiled and nodded. "So," I grabbed some curtains and sheets out of our hall closet. "What exactly happened over there?"

Ella's P.O.V

"Well, I hid my face and tried to go through them. They didn't recognize me but I couldn't get through so I went around back to the fire escape and went through my neighbors apartment. Then I got my sister and took a rope ladder through my window. The girls busted through my apartment and untied the rope ladder while I was on it," Luke quickly looked at me with concern. "I only fell a few feet, I'm okay." I re-assured him. "They called me a slut but there sluts so..." He laughed and I helped him hang up a curtain on one of the windows.


"Okay I think that's the last one." Luke said pushing a dresser in front of a window. There's two spare rooms, I'll show you where they are and you and Miranda can pick one, assuming Hayley will be sleeping with Michael because... well you know." He winked at me at the end. I laughed.

"Okay," I smiled at him. "And thank you Luke, for everything. You're like the best person I've ever met." I turned to fully face him.

"Really?" He said quietly.

"Yeah." I blushed a little as he walked closer to me. I stepped back a bit and felt the wall behind me. My heart rate sped up as he starred longingly into my eyes. I starred back at him and saw the pain of seventeen years of hell. I know how he felt... and that's why I think I liked him... He lightly touched my hand .

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Both inside and out." Luke started to lean in more and I could feel his breath quickening, along with mine.

"Mhm." Luke quickly stepped away from me and I turned to see Hayley and Michael slightly laughing at us. "Uhm, you were kind of in the way..." Michael said walking in between us. Hayley followed him and mouthed 'get it!' I blushed and face-palmed.

"Yeah, sorry. Uh... I'm gonna go to sleep? The two rooms are there," He pointed to one room. "and there." He pointed to another room. "Night Ella, sweet dreams." He walked away.

"Yeah you too." I said slowly and quietly because he was basically gone.

"Miranda?" I called down the steps. She walked upstairs. "let's go to bed."

Luke's P.O.V

I'm so fucking stupid! I laid on my bed, hard. Just because she said I was nice doesn't mean she like me like that! And, I shouldn't have been all awkward afterwards! she probably hates me now! I groaned out load and tugged on my hair a bit. I heard the door next to my room shut and Ella's voice. I walked over to he door and sat down with my ear against the wall. I couldn't help it, I needed to know if she hated me or not.

"I don't know Miranda, it kinda seems like he doesn't like me very much." Ella said.

"What? He likes you! Everyone thinks so! That's kind of the reason were here..." I heard Miranda say.

"No, we're here because Jenevieve's a bitch."

"That too," Miranda replied. "Well do you like him?" My eyes widened at the question and I pressed my ear harder to the wall.

"I think so... I don't know really. He's such a nice guy-"

"And cute." Miranda interrupted her. I blushed.

"Yeah that too, but he's famous and when he would be on tour I would miss him too much. I also kind if think i'd miss him even if we weren't dating though." Ella sighed. "Will you turn the light off?"

"Yeah." I heard a little click and the conversation was over. I moved away from the wall and got back on my bed.

So... does she liked me?


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