Well This Is New

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Chapter Seventeen.

Ella's P.O.V

It was only a couple weeks I had been staying with the boys and it was honestly he best couple weeks of my life. They were all so funny and nice, a big difference from my past. We were leaving for the tour the next morning so we were all packing up our stuff. I looked around the room the boys had supplied me with. I brought whatever wasn't broken from my apartment over here and the boys had bought me things. I didn't want them to but I would come home from the store or something and there would be new stuff in my room. I packed a suitcase full of clothes and other things not really knowing what to pack. I had only been to Florida outside of L.A... "Hey,"Luke stepped into my room and shut the door behind himself. "You need any help?" He sat down on the floor next to me.

"Is this what I should be packing?" I pointed to my suitcase. He looked through it, careful not to unfold anything.

"Yeah, looks good to me." He smiled.

"Sorry, I've just never had to pack for anything."

"It's okay. I hadn't left Sydney before 5 Seconds Of Summer."

"Were a lot alike aren't we?" He laughed a bit and smiled.

"I like it that way."

"Hey Ella?!" Ashton yelled from wherever he was in the house.

"I'll go see what he wants." We stood off the floor and Luke walked back to his room.

"Where are you Ash?!" I yelled through the house.

"In my room!" He yelled back. I walked into Ashton's room to see Calum pouting on the bed and Ashton sitting at his very girly vanity.

"Yeah?" I shut the door behind me.

"Calum can't quiff my hair,"

"It's un quiffable!" Calum protested, interrupting Ashton.

"Can you try?" I laughed and walked over to Ashton, taking the brush from him.


"I like this hairstyle Ella." He said playing with his hair. We had just got all our stuff in the car and were driving I the airport to get to somewhere in England for their first show.

"You look even more like Harry now!" Michael teased him.

"I do not! Right Ella?" Ashton asked me.

"Oh no of course not." I laughed although he was starting to dress like Harry.

"See!" Ashton said to Michael.

"She was kidding Ash." Michael tried to explain to him.

"Nope." He put his hand up to Michael. We all laughed. I had never been to England, as I said before, I had in only been to Florida other than L.A. I was pretty exited. L.A.X was only about twenty minutes from our house so we were at the airport in no time. We all grabbed our luggage and headed towards the lobby. Me, Miranda, and Hayley all followed the boys because none of us had ever been on a plane. I sat in between Luke and Miranda as Hayley sad in between Calum and Michael, who was also next to Ashton.

"Were gonna be here for a while." Luke told me. Everyone carried on there own conversations in the busy airport.

"When's our flight?" I asked him curiously.

"One." It was currently ten forty-five.

"Eh, that's not that bad. I have you to keep me company." I smiled and leaned into him a bit. He smiled and handed me a headphone, knowing I would want to listen to music with him. We had the same taste in music. Rock. It didn't matter what kind if rock, just that it was rock. He put on Break Free by Of Mice And Men. "This is my favorite song at time moment."

"Really? Me too!"


At twelve everyone was asleep but me. I was used to staying up late to protect my sister. Yeah I was the youngest but I was also the strongest. My parents would send us to my moms alcoholic mothers house and she would go on rampages every night, destroying the house.

"Get out here you pieces if shit!" Something else broke and my sister jumped.

"I'm going out there." I started to stand in the closet we were in.

"No!" She whisper/yelled.

"Don't worry I won't let her get in here." I stepped out of the closet and into the hall way.

"Marrie-Anne! I'm gonna fucking call the cops if you don't stop!" I yelled at her and stepped into the living room where she was breaking things.

"Go ahead! If I don't kill you first!" She threatened me. I felt for the pocket knife I had saved up money for in my pocket. She broke a beer bottle and started walking towards me. I ran and her and let her cut my arm first. It's not like I hadn't done it before. I knocked the bottle out of her hand and pinned her against the wall.

"You will never hurt my sister again." I said before stabbing through her arm and into the wall. I ran back to my sister and called the cops, telling them her address and what she had done.

"Oh my god your arm!" My sister said after I hung up.

"It's okay, I'm fine." I said pushing her hand away.

"No, it's not fine! You're loosing a lot of blood!" She went to the linen closet and got a towel. She came back and put the towel on my arm, sure to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. "I'll get us out of all this shit Ella, don't worry."

"Ella?" Ryan whispered, breaking me from my flashback.

"Yeah?" I also whispered.

"It's time to go, could you help me wake the boys. Sorry, you were the only one up."

"Oh no it's fine. Yeah I got it." He whispered a quick,

"Thanks." Before walking over to Calum to wake him up. When I started to wake Luke up, he quietly moaned and shifted. I realized what was happening and took advantage of it.

Luke's P.O.V

I was having a pretty uh... wet... dream... About you know... Ella. And I was starting to wake up when I heard her quietly moan my name and felt pressure on my inner thigh... moving closer to my... "Oh my god Luke wake the fuck up." Ella quietly laughed as I opened my eyes. I suddenly realized that I had a... boner. Oh god. I grabbed my bag and set it in my lap while thinking, grandma grandma grandma, but somehow the Ella that was in my previous dream kept creeping into my head.

"Shit." Ella laughed at me again.

"Why would you do this to me?" I laughed with her.

"It's not my fault you had a wet dream about me." She continued to laugh quietly.

"Shhhh!" I quieted her down. "How'd you know that?"

"Well you were kind of uh," She put her lips right next to my ear. "Moaning my name..." She took her lip ring between her teeth to stifle another laugh.

"Shut up," I laughed and shoved her a bit before looking around to make sure no one was looking. "You're gonna need to fix this when we get to the hotel." I lowered my voice to sound more seductive and kissed her. She took in a shaky breath and I smirked at how I made her feel.

"Flight twenty three to Manchester, last call for the one o'clock flight to Manchester." A woman's voice came over the intercom.

"Almost there..." I held out the 'e' and slid my hand in her back pocket as we walked to the gate.

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