Stuck Inside

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Chapter Thirteen

Ella's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with my sister right in my face.

"Miranda, scoot over" I mumbled and turned away from her. Se groaned and scooted over. I smelled something being being cooked. Shit. Well all I had was a granola bar yesterday so I guess I can eat breakfast today. I tried to fall back asleep, attempting to avoid eating but I couldn't. I sighed and rolled over to face my sister. She was awake and looking at me.

"What are you gonna do?" She asked, realizing my problem.

"Eat I guess."


Louis made breakfast. It was really good actually. Well considering I hadn't had breakfast in a few years... I only had like half of a pancake and I was getting really full. I felt bloated and fat. I set my fork down and sat back in my chair.

"Do you not like it Ella?" Louis asked. Everyone looked at me and continued eating

"Oh no, no. It's like really good actually. I'm just not a big breakfast person." I said.

"Oh, alright." He said.

"So, we have to go to the studio today," Luke started, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "You guys can all stay here if you want," He looked at the boys of One Direction and Me, my sister, and Hayley.

"Okay, thanks Guys." Miranda said smiling and looking at all four boys.

"No problem." Calum smiled.

"You guys are pretty chill." Michael said and winked at Hayley.

"And hot." Ashton added.

"She has a boyfriend." I laughed at Ashton.

"Damn." Ashton said.

"We'll always be here." Luke changed the subject. I looked to Luke and he was looking at me.

"Well, I'm gonna go get ready." Calum said standing from his seat and stretching

"Yeah me too." Michael said doing the same. Luke walked to the small window and looked out. "Holy shit!" He put the make-shift curtain back in front if it.

"What?" The boys that had gotten up turned around.

"There's like three hundred girls crowding our house..." Luke said peeking through the window slightly. I couldn't help but feel that all this was my fault. I felt the familiar gut-wrenching feeling creep up in my stomach. "Well, it looks like everyone's staying home today. Call Ryan cal."

"Got it." Calum responded pulling out his phone and walking away.

"Well how the hell did we not hear them screaming this whole time?" Hayley asked.

"Hurricane glass and sound proof walls..." Luke leaned against the wall.

"Hm." Hayley responded.

"Hey, is it cool if I take a shower real quick?" I asked tapping my leg to control the cry that was threatening to come out.

"Yeah sure, the bathrooms the first door on the left." Ashton answered me.

"Thanks." I got up from the table. Everyone stated talking again as I made my way to the room I was staying in to get my products. There was a small knock in the door.

"It's open." I said and Luke walked in.

"Here's a towel." He smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled at him and he walked out. I got back into my bag and pulled out the most important thing I remembered to pack. I hid it carefully in the towel Luke had given me.

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