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Chapter Twenty Eight

Luke's P.O.V


Ashton and I walked out of my bedroom. Ryan was sitting on the chair and Michael, Hayley, Calum, and Miranda were on the couch. "Where are you guys going?" Ryan asked us.

"To undo the stupid shit you did." Ashton said.

"What? No you're not!"

"Guys, you coming?" Ashton asked them.

"Yep, just let me get my shoes on." Michael grunted as he got up.

"Me too." Calum did the same as Michael.

"Do we count as guys?" Hayley asked I laughed and nodded as her and Miranda followed Michael and Calum.

"If you leave, I'll ruin you!" Ryan yelled.

"Try it." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Our fans have our back." Calum smirked.

"We've worked our asses off to get to where we are, we did this ourselves, you were just a simple connection." Michael said.

"We don't need you." I said before we all walke out the door. Ryan was yelling at us from his spot in the chair but I just shut the door.

"So, off to L.A." Calum said and we started for the elevator.

Ella's P.O.V

"Hi, how much is a room?" I asked the short Hispanic lady at the counter.

"Fifty five." She had a very annoyed face. I laid down the rest of my money. She gave me five back and handed me the room key. I read the number,


I swallowed hard and walked to my room. It was small and dirty. It also didn't smell very pleasant... I didn't really care though, this was my last night anyway. I put my suitcase on the bed and opened it slowly. I was a little nervous. My last attempt hadn't really worked...

I took the little piece of metal to the bathroom with me. I sat it down on the edge of the sink and looked at myself in the dirty mirror. I looked terrible. My makeup was all over my face from the rain, my hair was wet and messy, and my face was expressionless. I picked he blade back up and sat down on the toilet. "This is it." I said to the cursed thing. I started carving at my skin, all up and down m arms. I wanted to lose blood so even if I didn't die from slitting my throat, I would die of blood loss.

Luke's P.O.V

"Is there a flight for L.A tonight?!" I said reaching the reception desk at the airport. The others joined me shortly.

"Uhm... One but it's leaving in five minutes." The lady looked at me with concern.

"Okay thanks!" I put enough money for all of us to board on the counter and ran through security, holding up my ID and passport, even though I knew that wasn't enough. A security guard stopped me.

"Please! I don't have time for this!" I tried to move out of his grip.

"Sir, you need to go through security-"

"My girlfriends gonna kill herself!" The security guard stopped talking and moved for me to go. I looked back at everyone and they were stopped by other security guards. "Guys!" I yelled after them.

"Luke! Just go! We'll meet you in L.A!" Ashton yelled. I nodded and ran. I checked the time on my phone.

Two minutes.

I quickened my pace as I ran through the crowds of people muttering a few 'sorry's' as I went. I reached the loading gate and it was locked. It was a pretty short gate so I climbed over it. I dropped from the top of the gate and saw my flight. I ran as fast as I could to the plane, it was a few yards away.

I was half way there when the latter started to go up. "NO!" I yelled and tried to quicken my pace. I flailed my arms to get their attention and yelled, "WAIT!" Repeatedly. Some of the security guards flagged the plane down for me and the latter came down again. "Thank you so much!" I yelled to them. Before running up the latter and into the plane.

Ella's P.O.V

An hour later, the inside of my arms were as cut up as I could get them. I felt myself getting weaker. The sting on my arms was intense and the smell of blood was sickening.

But I continued.

I groggily moved down to my legs and began carving into them. Suddenly, the image of Luke appeared in my head. It was the last time I saw him. He was whole, loving, breathing, and beautiful. I felt a small smile make it's way to my discoloring lips. I found myself writing his name on my thigh, subconsciously. "I love you." My voice was beginning to grow weak.

But I continued.

Luke's P.O.V

A couple hours later I was running through L.A.X still apologizing for bumping into people. I didn't know how much time I had left or if I was too late. I ran to a cab and jumped in. "Uh..." I tried to remember the address of her old apartment. I just told him my houses address and begged him to hurry.

We arrived quickly because L.A.X wasn't to far from my house. I thanked the cab driver and paid him before running into the building. "Is Ella here?!" I yelled across the room the thw young man standing at the desk.

"Uh, um she was." He stammerd.

"Do you know where she went?!" He just shook his head. I groaned and ran back out of the building. Where could she have gone? She probably would have went to a hotel, it's pretty late. I looked around for the nearest hotel. Ella didn't have a car or enough money for a cab so she would've walked go the closest place. I saw a motel 8. And ran for it.

I burst through the front doors and ran to the front desk. The woman was rambling in Spanish, probably about how rude I just had been. "Please English! Is there an Ella Stratford here?!" She grumbled and looked through the guest list.

"Room five." She looked at me with dislike and I ran to the room.

Ella's P.O.V

I had finished of my legs and I was very weak. I could barely hold my arm up. I started to pull the blade up to my neck but I was going extreamly slow. The door slamming open startled me. "ELLA?!" That sounded like... No. I tried to hurry up and place the blade on my neck but it just wasn't working.

I finally got it against my neck when the door burst open.

Luke was standing there, drenched from the rain as I had been. He looked terrified. "Oh my god! Ella!" He ran to me and took the blade from my hand, throwing it in the tub.

"L-Luke..." I whispered, it was all I could get out. He hugged me, not caring that blood was getting all over him.

"Don't worry Ella, you're gonna be okay." He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

I lost my hearing.

I saw Luke's mouth moving but I couldn't hear what he was saying. He looked at me and started saying something but I couldn't hear him. My eyelids felt heavy and Luke started shaking me. Everything was losing color and finally,

I felt peace.







[TRIGGER WARNING] It's Nothing. || L.H [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora