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Chapter Twenty

Ella's P.O.V

"Oh my god I'm so fucking nervous." I said shaking my leg in the passengers side of Luke's car.

"Me too." Calum admitted.

"Yeah." Luke agreed turning on a street in a neighborhood. Apparently Alex had a house in England that he was in at the moment.

"Here we are." Luke pulled into the driveway of a huge house.

"Holy shit." I heard Calum say from the back seat. We all got out of the car and walked to the door. Luke nervously reached out and rang the doorbell.

"Oh, hey!" Alex said when he answered the door. He's so freaking hot oh my god. I looked at Luke and Calum's sparkling eyes as they looked at their idol. "Luke, and Calum right?" They nodded. "Come on in."He smiled and moved out of the way to let us in. "Go ahead straight back to the living room and sit down." We did as he said while he shut the door and followed behind us. "So, is this a new member of the band?" He asked and winked at me.

"No, Luke let me come so I could meet you." I blushed a bit.

"Oh cool, are you a fan?" He asked and smiled, looking excited.

"Defiantly, you guys are amazing."

"Well thank you." He did a fake little bow with his hand.

"So, do you guys have anything?" He asked Luke and Calum.

"Yeah, here." Luke handed him a sheet of lyrics. Alex's eyes roamed the page.

"Sing it for me." He looked away from the paper and at Luke and Calum. Luke turned a little red and looked at Calum.

"I'll sing the harmony, you sing the melody." Calum said and Luke nodded. They sang a cool, harmonizing variation of 'hey' and then started the first verse.

"Simmer down, simmer down, they say we're too young now to amount to anything else, but look around, we worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now, if you don't swim you'll drown, but don't move, honey," They stopped singing and looked at Alex.

"That's all we have." Calum said.

"Did you guys write music with it?"

"Just guitar so far."

"Well," Alex reached on the side of his couch, grabbed a guitar, and handed it to Luke. "Play it for me." He grabbed another guitar and handed it to Calum.

"One, two, three, four." Luke counted off and they both started strumming to a pretty good tune. They sang along with it.

"Alright well, let's see what's on T.V." The two boys looked at Alex like he was crazy but I understood what he was doing. Alex flipped through the channels and landed on and American Apparel commercial.

"Ew American Apparel underwear is so ugly." Calum said.

"Ella looks good in it though." Luke acted normal and then realized what he had just said. He just face-palmed. Alex and Calum looked at me. I blushed and laughed nervously.

"I can see it." Alex looked me up and down. Oh my god! Alex Gaskarth just fucking checked me out!

"Yeah." Calum said and turned back to the T.V, trying I picture me in the underwear that was on the screen.

"Guys..." Luke looked a little jealous. "She's kind of my girlfriend."

"Oh shit sorry dude," Alex quickly looked away from me. "I didn't know."

"Yeah, but Calum did."

"I can't help that your girlfriends hot." Calum said vey nonchalantly.

"Wait a second," I spoke up. "When did you see me in American Apparel underwear?" I asked Luke.

"When we uh..." He didn't want to say the word.

"I was wearing American Apparel? I only have one pair and they were a gift. I wouldn't have worn them if I knew we were gonna... you know."

"Well apparently you looked hot," Luke shot Calum a jealous glare. "What?"

"I HAVE LYRICS." Alex raised his hand and grabbed the piece of paper with Luke and Calum's lyrics on them. He wrote a sentence or two and looked at Luke.

"What were you thinking like right before you guys started having sex?" Alex reminded me a bit of a divorce therapist.

"Um... Holy shit were gonna have sex?" He blushed and raised his eye brow. I face palmed and blushed as well.

"This is really fucking awkward guys." I said from my hands.

"Were you like... excited?"Alex asked after scanning the paper.

"Well yeah why wouldn't I be? I'm a guy." Luke laughed and Alex wrote another thing down.

"Okay play as much as you have and keep playing after." The boys did as he said and after they were done singing, Alex sang,

"She looks so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear, and I know now, that I'm so down."

"But it was her underwear, not mine." Luke said after he had stopped strumming.

"Yeah well, her American Apparel underwear just sounds weird." Alex asked more questions about our sex life and two awkward hours later, they had a song... about me and Luke's sex life...

Oh god...

A/N So I think this chapter was a bit better than the previous ones... I hope you like it, and character building of the other boys is on the way!

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