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Chapter Twenty Two

Ella's P.O.V

We had moved on from Sheffeild and we were off to... somewhere else. "So, we both love video games..." Michael caught up to me while we were walking to the next hotel.

"Yes?" I prompted him to keep talking.

"So I bought the Elder Scrolls Anthology for us to play." He gave me a hopeful smile.

"The Elder Scrolls is my favorite game series!"

"Yes! I thought you looked like the adventuring- RPG type." He winked at me.


"How the fuck do you look around?" I said pushing every button on the controller. We started out with the first game, arena of course, and it was kind of made in ninety-four.

"Did you try the right thumbstick?" I looked at him like he was stupid... because he was. "What?"

"Of course I tried the right thumbstick, thats like how you move the camera view in every fucking game, except this one apparently."

"Go to settings and check the controls." I did as he said.

"It says right thumbstick but its not working!"

"Well, screw that game, off to Daggerfall," He crawled to the playstation and exchanged games. "And, my turn." He took the controler from my hand and sat back on the couch. He chose his class and what not and then stared at the screen for a second before looking at me.

"Choose thy face!" He yelled what the screen said in an old English accent. I started cracking up laughing, soon followed by him. "Were gonna be a Khajiit right?" He said, based off of our choice from the last game.

"Yeah, always... except for when we get to Skyrim then we should be a Dark Elf or a Breton."

"Hm, yes, good choice- WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT." He was interrupted by a high pitched squeaking.

"It's a rat!" I said laughing.

"I can't see it! I can't look down!"

"Dammit! They really need to like update these games." He ended the game and went to put Morrowind in.

"I guess its for like the 'collectors' you know?" Morrowind started up and the music was amazing.

"The Elder Scrolls has the best soundtrack." He handed me the controller before adding a,


"Okay the Khajiits look fucking amazing in this game." I said as I built our character.

"Alright, it's gettin' off to a good start. Oooh, grab that dagger."

"I see the dagger." I mumbled and 'grabbed' it.

"Holy shit they're like bending backwards as they walk!" Michael yelled and pointed at the screen while laughing. I watched one of the guards walk and started laughing with him.

"What the hell!" I laughed harder. I started on the first quest but there wasn't a marker to show me where I was going or anything.

"Do they just expect you to remember exactly what the officer said back there?"

"I guess so," I continued to try to make it to my destination but gave up pretty easily. "Fuck it. Put Oblivion in," Michael switched the games out and sat back down next to me on the couch. I handed him the controller. "Okay so I played Oblivion for like a solid year of my life and the only problem is you have to sleep whenever you level up so it's pretty tedious."

"Oooooh, nice word," He put his hand up for me to give him a high five. I smacked his hand and laughed. "Oh Khajiits look pretty fucking awesome in this one too." I nodded my head in agreement.


"Okay we have been playing this game for over an hour and we're about done with the main quest and were only a level three." Michael walked to the playstation to switch the games out.

"Yeah, that's how it was for me." He sighed and Skyrim came on.

"Here we go, the best of them all."

"It's crazy how much the graphics have improved."

"Well this was made six years after Oblivion."

"Wow really? Damn," We watched the intro and then got to the character making part. "Okay, I say Dark Elf because they're good assassins and they have red eyes."

"Yeah, the red eyes really seal the deal." I laughed as he finished the character


Luke's P.O.V

"Holy shit guys! It's four in the morning!" The rest of the guys and I walked into the room.

"Shhh, he's defeating Lord Harkon." Ella put a finger to my lips.

"Besides you guys have been out all night." Michael said in a monotone voice.

"Yeah but we were doing stuff. You guys were playing video games." I laughed.

"Video games are the best!" Ella said defending both herself and Michael. She was like half asleep and she looked adorable.

"Yes they are," I bent down and kissed her cheek. "Come on let's go to bed." I picked her up and carried her to my bed. I was a little drunk so I was careful not to stumble and drop her. I laid her on the bed and covered her up. I walked around to the other side and got in next to her.

"Michael?" She obviously hadn't noticed I had brought her to bed.

"Hm?" I decided just to go along with it, I didn't want to confuse her.

"You guys and Miranda and Hayley are my only friends... Like ever. I've never really had friends before." I frowned.

"I promise to be the best one too." I knew Michael wouldn't hurt her. I knew none of them would.


"Yeah?" It felt weird being called Michael but oh well.

"Do you think Luke really loves me?" That pierced my heart.

"I know he loves you more than anything in the world."

"Where is he?" I panicked a bit.

"He- he's in the living room, I'll go get him." I got out of the bed, opened the door, and shut it.

"Hey babe." How the hell did I even sound like Michael? I laid back down in bed and pulled her close to me.

"I love you." I smiled and kissed her head.

"I love you too."

[TRIGGER WARNING] It's Nothing. || L.H [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ