Prolouge: Starla

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"Daddy! I'm scared...I don't wanna go on the plane..." Starla, only 6 years old, looked up at her dad, Tom, who would become Shredder, as she tried to contain her tears. Shredder smiled and picked up his small daughter.
"Don't worry, Star. You'll be ok with your auntie. She'll take good care of you for a few weeks while I finish this business deal." Starla's eyes teared up still and she hugged her dads neck and he hugged her back. He kissed her forehead and handed her off to his sister, Jewel. She was going to take little Starla away to her home in California to be with her cousins and keep her company while Shredder finished up work so then he could join them for the holidays.

Starla waved her small hand to her dad as she cried and said, "bye bye daddy.." He blew his little girl a kiss and then walked off as they disappeared onto the plane.


Shredder was at his desk when he got the phone call. He picked up with his usual line, "This is Tom, how may I help you?" He listened as the man on the phone, a police man, explained to him that the plane his daughter and sister was on flew into some turbulance and it broke up the plane. It went down and crashed not many survived. His sister died and they don't know for certain because they never found her body, but his daughter was supposably dead as well.

Shredder was never the same after that. He couldn't find anything besides martial arts and killing to release his anger for the loss of his little girl and his young sister.


What Shredder didn't know was when the plane crashed his sister wrapped his daughter up in her arms and protected her from the impact. Starla had gotten a bump on her head and some scratches but she had survived. She cried when she saw her Auntie dead and cried as she walked out of the plane seeing lots of the people dead. She had cried as she walked to the road and a man found her. She cried herself to sleep as he drove her to the police. The only thing she had to remember her old life was the silver star necklace her father had given her before she left as an early Christmas present.

The man tried to help her find her father but he was never able to so Starla went and lived with the other orphans in the small town of Lehi, UT.


As Starla grew up she left Lehi and soon started living on the streets and abandoned buildings of New York. She had watched as Shredder, the worst man ever, was imprisoned then got out of prison and then was never found again. Mostly, Starla kept to herself and let everyone else handle big problems. She had her own to deal with. Surviving another day on the streets of New York.

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