Chapter 22

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I laughed at the joke Ethan told as we headed out of the restaurant. My arm was tucked nicely into the crook of his arm. He was not to bad looking at all either.

His hair was a black tousled mop of beautiful silky hair and his eyes were a beautiful shade of blue green. My mind flashed Donnie's black hair and lovely gem green eyes. His small gap in his teeth when he smiled and he's cute glasses that perched on his nose.

I shake my head as I return my attention to Ethan and smile, "Ya! I agree Spiderman thats is coming out is my favorite cause he actually looks like a teenager. But I love all of the Spiderman's either way!"

Ethan laughs and says, "Yes. Do you like DC movies?" I scrunch my nose and say, "I like Flash, Arrow, Supergirl. But not really Superman and Batman as much but I do like them."

He nods and says, "I disagree. But thats ok! Opposites attract right?" He winks and I force a smile as I casually let go of his arm to pick up a penny, feeling slightly awkward.

"Ooo! I love pennies!" Ethan looks a little disgusted but forces a pained smile and says, "Oh how nice...." I grumble a little, well I guess he's not humble and that's not to much of a deal breaker but I guess when your rich you dont need pennies.....

I furrow my eyebrows and say, "Well, I guess you wouldn't like pennies since- oh look a quarter!" I pick up the shiny quarter and stand back up. He says, "What were you saying?"

I bite back what I was going to say and say, "Oh just that I've had too live on the streets once and scavenge for whatever money I could to get myself a decent job." I smile like I'm telling him a secret.

He gives me a small pitying look and takes my hand back in his and says, "Well then, I guess thats good. Where do you put the money now?"

I smile genuinely as I realize he was somewhat humble and say, "In a jar. I'm saving up to go to Paris some day!" My eyes slightly glaze as I think of the wonderful place.

I notice Ethan smile slyly and say, "Well how much do you have so far?" I shrug and say, "About $105.78 dollars. Why?" He smirks and says loudly so Elana and Grayson can hear, "Next date we are going to fly over to Europe and go to Paris!"

I gape at Ethan as he smiles brightly. "Your pretty Cool Star and I want you to go on another date with me. I'll pay for all expenses. Bring your money for souvenirs."

I smiled brightly and said, "Wow thanks!" I shivered as I remembered Donnie and the turtles. I looked into the shadows as I thought of going to Paris.

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