Chapter 12

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      I smiled in a wistful nature as Elana flirted quietly with Raph. I sighed deeply and hear Donnie say, "You alright Star? Its been a little hectic for you...." I gave a small smile to the large turtle with the purple bandana covering his eyes with his glasses as well. He was decked out with gear and some weapons. I shrug and lean back rubbing my eyes, "I kind of knew about you guys. I followed you when you left in a rush. So not to surprising. Just seeing my father and knowing he's killed many of people is hard to grasp." I chuckle dryly and Donnie sits down besides me. He pats my hand and I grab it before he can pull away and examine the leathery skin of his three fingered hand. I smile to Donnie and lean my head on the side of his shell. Man this is surprisingly comfy...weird...
     I look over at Elana as she walks around Mikey and Leo also inspecting them. Raph has some weird gear on and so do Mikey and Leo. Donnie has the most of the weirder gadgets I noticed and Leo looks to be more of the leader. I get up and say, "I'll be right back..." The boys watch me leave and I hear them whisper to Elana as I go sit on the back porch. Elana comes out seconds later with some milk and a blanket.
      "Are you OK Star? What do you need?" I accept the glass with a thank you and then look outside to the slightly dead lawn and sigh, "No I'm not OK. I've always dreamed of finding my father, but never him going crazy and killing people. All I want is the man I used to know. How he tucked me in bed after hugging me tight and telling me a story. He read to me a lot as well. The man who gave me cute little presents. I miss him....and now I'm afraid he's gone for good...." I wipe away the unexpected tear as Elana wraps her arms around my shoulders. "I'm sorry Star. I wish I could do something." I shrug and mumble, "He has to change himself. I can't wish the past away. I can only hope for a brighter future...." Elana smiled kindly to me and we sat in silence as some small droplets of water fell from the gray clouds.

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