Chapter 18

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~~~Donnie's POV~~~

I look at the ground and find Stars tracks, well drag marks, and follow them to a small river. On the other side are car treads. Yet there's no way I will be able to follow them with them merging with billions of car tire marks.

I punch a tree and growl. Why Shredder?! Why can't you leave her out of this? I head back towards my brothers running a hand through the hair I currently had and pushed the glasses back up my nose.

I exhale loudly with a small whistle from my gap tooth. I look at Mikey and Leo and say, "Anything? Please tell me you found something!" Leo and Mikey looks crestfallen and Leo says, "I'm sorry Donnie. We know you really like her. Dont worry she's capable. We will get her back!"

I nod with a sigh and look towards the horizon. "We better find her quick before Shredder does something to her....."

~~~Stars POV~~~

I wake up tied to a chair and look up into my fathers eyes. "What do you want Dad."

He doesn't say anything. I blink and sigh, "Pretty dumb lair. So gross. Why dont you decorate?" He laughs and says, "Because I tried to make it as sad as my heart was for yours and your aunts death."

I shake my head and say, "Well you better invest in some other place because this is just sad and too depressing!"

My father throws his head back and laughs. I smile at my triumph. He smiles to me and says, "Oh how I've missed your brilliant light my little Shining Star!"

I smile sadly and say, "Still doesn't justify killing people father....That I dont think I can forgive..."

He stares hard and long at me and gets up walking away with a, "I know, but you'll get over it eventually."

I look at my chain bindings and silently cry for the broken man my father had become. Oh Donnie, Elana, please find me quick. I dont want to know what my father has planned for me......

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