Chapter 10

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Elana looks triumphant from her small victory and I roll my eyes trying hard to get rid of the blush. We all head towards the parking lot. I smile to Donnie as I ask, "Hey we have a chemistry test tomorrow and I stink at chemistry. Would you wanna come over and study so then I dont totally tank it?" Donnie smiles back and pushes his glasses up and says, "Ya! I'd love to help. I love chemistry!" I chuckle and say, "Ya I know! Thats why I asked silly!" I wink and he blushes. After a couple seconds I turn and say, "Did you hear that the new Thor movie is coming out soon!?"
Donnie nods enthusiastically and says, "Of course! I'm excited to see it! Hey we should go see it together when it comes out!" I beam and say, "Yes! I'm down!" Mikey and Leo laugh and I look at them as Leo says, "Man you guys are a cute little nerdy couple." Donnie blushes and I feel my face heat up slightly as I go to say something a loud crash sounds and a bunch of men in black ninja outfits surround our group and then a man in some armor walks up. Its Shredder and his footclan. The boys get hard looks and make a circle around Elana and I.
I stare long and hard at Shredder as he starts speaking, "Well, Turtles, this is a very nice look for you. Do you like these new looks? Having fun?" He looks around the group and stops on me. I stare at him and say in a mumble, "Where have I heard his voice before?" Shredder jerks back and takes off his weird looking helmet and says, "Star?" I blink at him and my mind flashes back to when I was six and leaving my father. My eyes well up and I rush forward and yell, "DADDY!" I jump into his outstretched arms and he wraps me up in a hug.
"Oh my baby girl! I thought you were dead! How??" I pull back once I realize that my father is Shredder and stumble backwards. "Auntie protected me from the crash and I wandered. Why dad? How'd you become Shredder?" I know I have a hurt look in my eyes as I slowly back up. He clenches his fists and jaw and says, "When I lost you and your aunt I couldn't handle the grief....this was the best thing that numbed me." I shake my head as tears flow freely down my cheeks. "You've murdered people daddy...." His eyes fall and he says, "I know my little Star☆, I'll come back for you later." Him and his men disappear and I collapse putting my head in my hands and sobbing.

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