Chapter 24

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I stare out from the roof and then turn back too Donnie and say, "Thanks but I dont think my father will be very happy..."

Donnie shrugs, "So? Shredders never happy..." I smile tightly and sigh. I turn my back on Donnie and say, "He wasn't always that way...."

I sigh as I see Donnie flinch from my peripheral. He clears his throat and says, "Um....Star?" I sigh and say, "Ya Donnie?"

He fidgets as he says in a rush, "well i just wanted to tell you that i really like you and" He rubs the back of his neck as I freeze.

"Oh! Well, um...." I stare dumbfounded at him and say, "Your cool to Donnie...." I rush over to the fire escape stepping lightly, and hurridly, as to not harm the dress and hear Donnie follow me. I climb into my room though the window.

Donnie stands outside and says, "Well get some" I nod good bye as I close the window and shut the blinds.

I sigh as I change into some PJs, take my makeup off, and then crawl into bed and soon fall asleep.


The next morning I find a cute purple shirt that had a purple bottom attached to transparent purple lacewith small fake gems woven throughout.

I pull on a pair of dark skinny jeans and my favorite black high top converse. I slip my fake black leather jacket over top of my shirt.

I slip my black choker on and then put my hair up into a bouncy ponytail. Grabbing my backpack and my phone and keys I head out.

I get to school and fast walk towards Elanas locker. When I arrive instead of the turtles standing around its Ethan and Grayson. They ignore the many stares from the girls and stare at their phones.

I scowl as I head up to them and growl, "What the heck are you doing here?" Ethan looks up and smiles. "Oh we go here now. Shredders orders. You look good today!" I roll my eyes.

Elana comes up and says with a bite, "What the heck are you doing here?" I hide my chuckle as Grayson replys without looking up, "Shredder sent us. We are here to take care of you."

I hear her mumble and look over at her black hoodie and black leggings. She wear black shoes and a black hat. I roll my eyes at her color choice but notice a small red bracket encircling her wrist and I smile.

The bell rings and Elana and I walk off to our classes. Leaving the boys behind.

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