Chapter 26

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I stare at Donnie from a distance for a couple minutes. He stares blankly at the screens. I take a deep breath and walk over to him. I set my hand on his shoulder as I say, "Hey you okay Donnie?"

He continues staring at the dark screens and whispers, "He's dying Star! How can I be ok?"

I shut helplessly and kneel in front of him and say, "Well there's always hope he'll get better and if he doesn't he would want you all to go on and be happy."

I wrap my arms around his neck and he buries his head in the crook of my neck and cries silently. I let him cry as I think of when my aunt died during the plane crash and how scary her dead limp body looked when I climbed out of her lap.

I realized I started crying with Donnie and pull back and wipe my tears. I smile too him but get up and start pacing. I have to calm my racing heart or imma die too!

Donnie gets up and says, "Will you go for a walk with me up in the sun?" I nod and link my arm through his as we head out of the lair.


We had sat in the park watching dog owners play with there dogs. We didnt speak just sat and watched. He liked to stay in the sun as much as possible and watch the small breeze rustle the leaves.

I stared down at my hands and picked at my chipping yellow nail polish. I looked up when Donnie said, "Do you think Splinter can be saved?"

I nod and say, "Yes. Because I think I know how to help him.....we'll need purple ooze though...."

Donnie raises his eyebrows and says, "What's the plan?" I smile sheepishly and say, "Well I thought we could turn Splinter human and administer him to a hospital where the doctors can figure out what's wrong and take care of him...."

I wrung my hands together and Donnie smiled for the first time today and said, "Thats actually really smart! Why have great technology if we dont use it!"

I smile back and say with a chuckle, "Exactly! I'll have to go to my dad though for help...." I watched as Donnie cringed.

"Oh ya....there's that...." I nod and he sighs. "You're taking Elana with you!" I nod and hold his hand. "I'm glad you're ok with this."

He smiles and blushes slightly, "Ok. Let's go tell the others." 

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