Chapter 8

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      I smile as Donny smiles and says, "I agree! Captain is right. Tony is just being a brat." I nod and chuckle as I say, "Right?! Man finally something we agree on." I wink playfully to indicate I'm teasing. He laughs. I glance over at Elana as she talks to Raph. Her face falls and she walks away. Narrowing my brows I excuse myself from Donny and follow her. When I catch her I grab her arm and say, "Hey are you alright?" She shakes her head and chokes then says, "I never said the right thing...and people hate me for it..." I smile kindly, "That's not true. I like you. The other turtles like you. So you said one thing wrong. Oh well. All's well!" She brightens slightly and nods, "You're right. Lets go back." I smile and we walk back to the boys. Mikey and Raph are having a pizza eating war.
        Donny smiles too me then mumbles and says, "Thanks guys for the pizza and fun time but we should be heading out...." Mikey groans and says, "Do we have to??!!" Leo slightly pales and says, "Right! Sorry girls. See y'all tomorrow ok??" He pulls Mikey out the door and Donny and Raph follow. I wave and say, "Alright bye guys!" I look at Elana and she laughs, "Well that was weird. But oh well. Do you need a ride home?" I shake my head and plop on the couch. "Nope. I'm staying here tonight. Mrs. C said it was cool. You can't be alone right now!" She looks down and says, "Alright....i-I guess so......See yo u in the morning?" I nod and set up a small bed on the couch and she brings me a blanket then heads to bed.
      I stare over at the window and the moon peeking between the clouds. Goodnight Daddy. Where ever you are out in the wide world I love you I roll over an soon fall asleep. 


I looked at the moon and scowl. I will kill you turtles. Nothing in this world matters anymore. I miss you my little Star. I looked down at my growing ninja army and smile a devious smile. Your going down Teenage Mutant Turtles. And the first step has already been implemented. All's going to plan.

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