Chapter 6

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I look out my window at the cloudy sky. Something feels wrong. I sigh and call out, "I'm going for a walk Mrs. Clarkson!" She calls back, "Alright be safe and take your umbrella please." I grumble but grab the umbrella and slip my black converse on with a black hoodie, "Ok, be back later!" I walk out and close the door. I head towards Elana's house. Maybe I'll be able to sleep tonight after chatting with her. I stop in front of her house and knock loudly. She soon answers after a couple minutes eyes red and swollen probably from crying. Pushing her inside I ask, "What's the matter? Are you alright?" She starts crying again and so I wrap my arms around her as she whispers in a choked whisper, "M-my grandparents----they were killed..." I rub her back and sit her down and say, "I'm so sorry. Let me make you some hot chocolate." I get up and make some homeade hot chocolate and pour two cups. I bring Elana her cup and comfort her. "Would you wanna come over and stay with me tonight so you're not alone?" She nods and I help her gather a bag of stuff. While she finishes getting her stuff I call home.

MRS. C: Hello?

STAR: Hey Mrs. C My friend just lost both her grandparents would you mind if she came too hang out with me tonight?

MRS. C: Of course dear! Bring her over. The poor dear.

STAR: Thanks, we'll be there soon.

MRS. C: Alright Star, be safe.

I hung up the phone and tucked it into my pocket. Elana nods and says, "Alright, I-i'm r-ready." I smile and say, "Okie dokie. Want to walk over or drive?" She shrugs and says, "Drive. I'm not really in the mood t-to walk." I nod and say, "Want me too drive?" She nods and hands me the keys. I help her put her bag in the car and then throw my umbrella in as well. I drive back to my house and we head inside. I should've expected Mrs. C to do what she did but I didn't. She ushered Elana around and made her feel at home. Then gave her some food and than made up an air mattress in my room. I was glad for it made Elana a little happier. I crawled into my bed after Elana got situated and fell asleep. I soon fell asleep as well.

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