Not-so-funny filler

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Lucy POV:

My mind almost stopped working at the pure thought of people just seeing a dragon fly across the sky. The pure terror they would exude sent chills down my spin. I watched on as Katy's eyes widen, and bite her lip. "That's not good... can you deliver a message?"

Mavis looked up at her, "I'm a ghost, I can't exactly talk to anyone outside of your ranch or Fairy Tail." She moved her hands to her hips and pouted.

Katy shook her head side to side. "No, I mean leaving a piece of paper where someone can find it..."

Mavis' expression turned closer to deep in thought, which made me wonder if a ghost could deliver messages. Mavis was an undead spirit, a powerful one too, could the paper remain well physical once she left us?

Mavis' expression turned sour, her glare made everyone shiver. "Trick question. You know more about ghosts and the undead than I do."

Katy smiled, "Good job! Hi five!" She held out her hand with her finger tips towards the sky. Mavis rolled her dark blue eyes and quickly and lightly hit her hand to Katy's.

"At least your sense of humour wasn't damaged." Her tone was rather dry, and roughly explained to everyone something like this had happened before.

"Yep! I'll go get some paper and a pen." She quickly patted Mavis' head at started walking away, leaving three barrels and two passed out drunks at a picnic table. There was no stumbling or weird leaning to her stride as she headed towards her mansion.

The rest of Quatro Puppies dropped their jaws, she didn't appear to be drunk.

I sighed internally, and walked over to where Cana laid. Her face was blushed, her hair was messy, but her pulse was at a regular pace for a sleeping person. As I pulled my hand from her wrist where I was checking her pulse, I glanced up at the barrel she was drinking from. I froze; the barrel read: BACCHUS' FINEST WHISKEY.

I turned my head towards the other passed out drunk, I knew his name was Bacchus, but I was pretty sure that he didn't produce his own whiskey.

I turned my head back towards the door as Katy came out, a white piece of paper and a black pen in hand. I pulled my courage together and spoke up. "Ah, Katy, who made this alcohol?"

Most people turned towards me, giving a questioning look they had tried to return to their previous activities. She shrugged, " A god."

For the second time in 4 minutes almost everyone dropped their jaw. My mind ran wild, how did she get godly whiskey.

Katy rolled her eyes, "Get back to your activities please, your wasting daylight."

She walked closer to the picnic table, Natsu still watched sensing my fear. She smiled at me once she placed the pen and paper on the table. "I can't get drunk so the stuff that I do keep is pretty expensive." I looked at her with wide eyes. "My brother hasn't made whiskey in centuries, so the dang stuff is pretty strong." 

"Are they going to be alright?"

"Okay - maybe? I'm not really sure..." She frowned and scratched her head looking at the two passed out drunks. "I have a cousin that is pretty much mortal, although she isn't entirely human, her hang over on this stuff usually lasts around 3 maybe 4 days."

"So they're going to be okay?" I looked at her.


I sighed, Bacchus was looking pretty green and Cana was a bit pale. They did look like they were going to be okay, I stood up. "Then I'll leave you to it."

I turned and walked away, Natsu waited for me to join him. As we quietly walked towards the only tree in Katy yard, he reached over and took my hand in his.

We climbed the tree and moved to sit on a large branch, Natsu grabbed the book that we were reading and held it again his chest. "Okay, what's bugging you Luce?"

I looked at him like he had multiple heads. "How do you know?"

"It's just a feeling."

"How co-"

Natsu stared at me, "What is bugging you Lucy?"

"Ah, well... Katy mentioned to me that her brother hadn't made whiskey in centuries. That could mean that Katy's entire family is immortal. And if there is more immortal people like her, is there more people with her level of magic power? And how old is she, we know that she has been here since the Dragon Civil, but how many lives have she lived?"

Natsu frowned, then slowly changed it to a smile in under a minute. "If she wants to tell us she will, if not, that's the way that she wants it. It doesn't matter right now."

I smiled, I truly smiled. Then I snatched the book from him.

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