The Ranch

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I didn't know Katy had a automatic mode of transportation handy. Especially one that can transport all the competitors plus some.

Surprisingly I didn't know what breed they were. Forty large animals with large necks, large heads, and four legs. Ran into the arena. And all Katy said was, "Your late." In a sad and slightly angry voice.

One animal that caught my eye, was the largest one. It was huge, it towered over the other animals. It was pitch black, and it was very furry around it's feet. And it stopped right in front of Katy.

She climbed on and sat on it. In a leather, saddle?

One appeared in front of me, it was dark brown with black mane and tail. It also had a leather saddle, and a sort of lead for the rider.

I copied Katy's actions and mounted the beast.

It wasn't very tall, but held my weight. As I took the lead into my hand, all the information came to me.

I was riding a horse, her name was Dakota. I was sitting in a saddle holding her reins.

I looked around, people were staring at me.

"It's cool right?" I heard a voice.

"Yeah, it is Katy." I replied, turning to look at her. "Easy too."

"Dakota can't carry heavy weight. That's why she's paired up with you. But in turn she is very fast." Katy stated, "And is best if we run into danger."

"What is your beast's name?" I asked.

"He is my War Horse, his name is Antonius." Katy smiled, petting him on the neck.

"What's a horse, or War Horse?" I ask.

"Technically your riding a pony. She is shorter, and moves differently than a horse. And to finish, I use the term War Horse lightly. Antonius isn't even a horse at all. Like how I'm not human." She stated.

"A perfect match." I added.

"Thank you." Katy replied.

By now most of the FairyTail guild members have mounted their horses. But most of other mages were staring at the animals.

Katy raised her right hand, and they all floated up as if there wasn't gravity holding them down. They all successfully mounted, and instantly their hands went to the reins. Then they got that flow of knowledge.

"Ride out." And all the horses ran off. We all followed Katy. Amazingly every dragon slayer including Rogue and Sting. As they gasped in disbelief. Then Katy yelled out, "These animal's movements are similar to ones of a dragon. It's the only mode of transportation that dragon slayers can use freely. But these are the only ones in the world."

Rogue rode up beside her, "If their the only ones in the world, how are we able to use them?"

Katy stared at him, and Rogue paled slightly. "I raised them, I fed them, and I trained them."

"Wow really? That's amazing." Rogue commented.

"It's very time consuming." Katy replied, "It took me 20 years to train them all."

Sting jumped in, "You don't look that old!?!"

"I make Master Mavorok look young, and he's in his late 80's. I'm older than you think." Katy told them.

"How old are you?" Sting asked.

"If I told you I would have to kill you very soon after." Katy gave him a warm smile which made her statement very terrifying. Sting and Rogue turned pale.

-time skip-


As we came upon a heavy set of tree where the path would of ended. I closed my eyes in hopes of sudden death. Went death didn't come, I opened my eyes to see a wonder. A huge ranch house with a huge barn, surrounded by around a hundred horses. We came to a stop inform of the house and quickly dismounted.

The animals walked away as soon as they were riderless.

We all retired to the ranch house.


Hey, wow 4K. I can't believe this has happened.

Sorry if it took too long. School finally started a week and half ago on the 3rd of September. Soooooooo happy. [I'm weird, so what?]

Btw this seems slightly off topic, but my pony, Jazzy, got a new BHF (Best Horse Friend). Her name is Zoë, she is huge (draft horse cross) her shoulder is over 4 and a half feet high (roughly 15 hands high) and she is two, 02, years old.

Any ways how is your school year going. Tell me! :) :)

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