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I don't own FairyTail, NaLu, or any other couples. I just love the way they are portrayed and used.



I jumped when I heard the screaming, as I ran into the guild. Natsu, Erza, Wendy, Levy, and Katy followed me. Katy started to fly quickly, I froze when I arrived. It was Zeref, the black wizard. Katy smirked, "So you finally wake up from the extended hibernation I put you in." Zeref turned to her and stared at her, with his glowing red eyes. "I'm here for payback, I killed your boyfriend. I thought I can finish you now!"

Katy laughed, straight out laughing. "Impossible, I'm immortal. Even the gods respect my power, I was just asked to end you. But they didn't know that you created fake immortality, neither did I."

Zeref stared at her, "So that's why you haven aged in over 300 years, immortality. Hump! We than I will just kill your friends." He raised his arm and shot a black ball at us.

Katy just had time to scream, " ARIES' UNBREAKABLE AMOR!!" A large red shield formed in front of us, taking the power of Zeref's magic. Katy attacked back. "ARTEMIS' ARROW FLAMING VOLLY!!" A dozen or so flaming arrows flew towards Zeref, he jumped out of the way. The arrows chased him, he ran faster. Katy transformed herself again, this time she wore a long Greek tunic/dress, golden sandals, and a golden laurel. Her long blonde hair waved in no wind, her wings, we can actually see them.

She looked so powerful, and beautiful. Zeref was outside, and he ran past the door screaming. I don't think anyone else noticed, we stared at her. Even more power radiated from her, it was so over powering. She opened her eyes, their  blue and green had turned to gold. And she whispered, "APHRODITE'S COVER UP."

And we couldn't feel her power before, I looked behind me. Grey was actually drooling, Juvia reached up and with a napkin she wipped it away. They where so perfect together, Juvia looked up to Grey, yet he saw her as an annoyance. Juvia will give up someday, but that will be in a couple years, decades?

Katy flew out the door, we all followed her to watch her fight. This was big, Zeref traveled here to fight Katy because she was a worthy enemy. Katy floated there and watched as the arrows finally hit Zeref, he was covered in bruises and his lip was bleeding. He stood there opposite Katy, he winced as his wounds healed. And they stared for well, who knows how long, then they started fighting.

Zeref yelled, "DARK ABYSS!!"

Katy countered it, "HERA'S LIGHT!!!" The dark abyss disappeared as the light surrounded Katy, she attacked. "APOLLO'S SUN BEAM!!!" A huge beam of light came down from the sun, Zeref screamed again. When it disappeared, Zeref was slowly healing. He moaned, it was very powerful. Katy spoke up, "Apollo's attack, which he did shoot down, weakens the ability to heal."

Zeref shot her a very angry look, and yell. "SHADOW DRAGON!!"

Out of the shadows a dragon appeared, then roared. The earth rattled, and Katy screamed. The dragon stopped and covered its ears, we did too. When we watch her take in a large breath. This one out did the others, Zeref was caught in it. His ears started to bleed, and every window in the city broke. Slowly the dragon gave up, and flew away.

Katy stopped, she was short of breath. That must of been a very powerful scream, and she began to stare daggers at Zeref. He stared back, Katy sighed, then yelled. "IN THE NAME OF THE KING I CAST THIS SPELL: FATHER ZEUS' MASTER LIGHTNING BOLT ATTACK!!!" A huge lightning bolt came down, and Zeref disappeared. He must of been moved or teleported into a dungeon, the gods where that powerful. Then I realize the spell had drained a lot of her magic, Katy when back to usual outfit and collapsed. So we hear snoring, I rush forwards.

When we got Katy to the infirmary, we checked her pulse, magic level and her wings. Only her magic level had lost 18%, from the fight of Erza and Zeref. Amazing, she was so powerful. Katy slept for two more hours, then she woke up.


He did ya like it so far, we'll come on tell me.

C ya later!!!!

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