Mate marks and scents

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I don't own FairyTail, NaLu, or any other couples. I just love the way they are portrayed and used.



I sit down on a barstool, I roll my eyes. All the guys had nose bleeds, and their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. I hear the door slam, Lucy and Natsu had left the building. I smile as I magically change MJ's (MiraJane) clothes back to normal, and I switch mine. I'm now wearing 5-inch high work boot heels, black skintight to the knee yoga pants, and a blue tee with my favourite gray sweater. My hair is up in a ponytail, and all my bangs are on one side.

I hear bells, and a white cat appears on my lap, my Lyla has returned. The exceeds Happy and Carla fly over, "What is that?" He wonders out loud, "Because it looks a lot like us."

Carla nods, so everyone is surrounding me to get a look at her. I answer "She's my pet cat, Lyla. And if your wondering she's a magical creature."

Lyla jumps onto Happy's head, and purrs. "I haven't seen an exceed in a while, but never a blue one." (Lyla speaks through thoughts because cats can't talk for real)

Happy frowns, "So why do you look like us?"

Lyla starts to purr. "Because cats and exceeds where once one race, but split after a terrible war. Exceeds wanted to fly, to have a society, and to talk. We cats wanted our claws, and our power based ways, and we had no need to talk. After centuries our race battled, and my race winning and forcing yours to leave Earthland. The only thing saying that we are related is our features and our love for fish."

"Fish?' Happy blurted, he smiled as she jumped off his head.

Lyla landed on my lap, I sigh. Then I realize something, "MJ what's the date?"

MJ replies. "June. 20th, why?"

I stare at her, "It's Dragon mating season, and it does things to Dragon slayers."

MJ stares at me, "So?"

"If you haven't noticed, there hasn't been a teen female Dragon slayer before. And she just stepped out with Natsu."

MJ gasps, "Natsu wouldn't know, they're probably making out now!"

I sigh, "Well, we get to the fact that there with be a Mr. and Mrs. Dragoneel. If he does mark her."

Levy stares at me, "What do you mean?"

"When a male Dragon slayer marks his mate, he bites her neck as they are *cough* doing it *cough*. Their scents merge and become one, only the mated pair can tell the difference. Which means their mated for life, no take backs. Oh, and by the way, the bite looks like a hickey for the first few days. And they will get the odd need to cuddle. " Levy and MJ just stare at me, wide eyed like Gajeel and Wendy.

Levy asked "Does it still happen if the female is human?"

"Yes, why?" Blushing Levy pulls down her collar and shows us a bite mark, I'm stunned. I punch Gajeel in the shoulder, "I knew it, I knew they where a couple." Instantly Levy and Gajeel turn red, MJ squeals. Then faints, I lean over the counter. MJ landed safely on the floor, I look up. Gajeel is standing behind Levy, cuddling. I get up and jump over the meter high counter, I check MJ's pulse. She's alive, I pick her up bridal style. And walk her into the infirmary, and I lay her on a bed and pull the sheets up to her chin. MJ rolls over onto her side, she looked tired.

I stroll back to the bar, they are waiting. Gajeel and Levy kiss, just a peck on the lips but it was enough to get Erza's attention.

"Gajeel, what the hell are you doing to Levy?" She bursts, getting everyone's attention.

Gajeel and Levy blush, and I sigh. "There is nothing we can do, they're mated. It's only natural instinct, for them to be near each other."

Erza gives me a look, I stand up straight. And jump over the counter, we stare. "I don't care, they just can't do it at the guild!"

Erza yells in my face. I yell back, "So, Natsu and Lucy kissed in the infirmary. Levy has mated marks on her neck, and probably Lucy will too tomorrow!" Then all hell broke loose, Erza tries to chop me with a sword. She stops as a loud roar is hear, behind me Lyla has become a giant white lioness. The fighting stops, I haven't moved a muscle.

Erza asks, "So if Levy is marked, how do you know?"

I freeze the dreaded question, I sigh. "Because it happened to me." I move my sweater, revealing the indented bite marks. Erza makes a face I have only seen once, surprised, and that was because of Lucy's underwear.


Don't kill me, I created a history, romance, drama, and a cliffhanger. It didn't need to be long. But the real question who was Katy's mate? You will find out.

And remember: WAS

Wink =Micky-82

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