They start a fight

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I don't own FairyTail, NaLu, or any other couples. I just love the way they are portrayed and used.



I woke up to a sleeping Natsu, I knew we were naked. Last night was unforgettable, but I felt like Natsu lost himself or all his hormones all came at once. I slowly slipped out of his arms, and rolled out of bed. I grabbed a pair of clothes and walked into the bathroom, I stare at the mirror for a second and I notice a rather large hickey on my neck. My, that must of been quite a night.

I run water in my shower and hop in. When I come out, I once again find myself staring in the mirror at my hickey. I had begun to fade, only a bit. There seams to be an indent of Natsu's teeth, you can even visibly see fang indents. I open my mouth, Natsu was right yesterday. I had a pair of fangs, my dentist will have a stroke. I get dressed and pull out my toothbrush, and I start brushing. I carefully brushed around my fangs, I smile. There is no way you can see them, I keep on brushing.

As I walk out, I find that Natsu is still laying there fast a sleep. I walk over and stare at his, I quickly close his nose. Natsu's eyes pop open, and removes my hands. "Mmmmm, what where you doing Lucy?"

I cross my arms, "I've already had a shower so I decided to wake you up. You know you left me with a very large hickey, and bite marks."

He stares at me, "I'm sorry, Lucy. I just don't know what came over me, like-like a hormonal rush." He starts to blush, when he sees the hickey. He just stares at it, so I walk to the kitchen.

I can hear Natsu rolling out of bed, and getting dressed in my bathroom. Soon after the door creaks, I'm wrapped in Natsu's arms. We just stand there for a while then I ask him. "What do you want for breakfast, since we didn't have supper."

"But, I did Luce. Remember I asked for you, and I got you."

"Natsu, you need calories and vitamins. Your body is already tired from last night, what happens if you get in a fight with Grey. He gets to win? Newspaper headline: Salamander beaten in guild fight by Ice Mage."

I feel him pause, then reply. "Make us something, I can eat a cow." Natsu releases me, I turn around and kiss him on the cheek.

Then I head to the fridge, all I have is Milk, Eggs, Cheese, and what's left of a pack of sausages. So I make cheese omlets and sausages with milk, Natsu devours his food as soon as I set it down. I sigh, he is always hungry. I eat mine, enjoying the cheesiness and the flavour. Natsu begins to stare at me, his plate is empty. I point to the pan, there sat another batch of eggs and a sausage. He jumps up when he sees them, when he comes back they're heaped onto his plate. As soon as we're done I wash the dishes, and we're out the door.

As we waked down the road, we hold hands. And soon we are at the guild, we part them. As we walk in everyone turns and stares at us, I was mortifying. They vaguely know what happened last night, as I sit down at my usual table. With Wendy, Carla, Erza, Levy, and surprisingly, Katy. They stare at me, Katy sighs. "Well," she said walking up to me, "We now know you and Natsu are mated." Katy touched the hickey, and it disappeared leaving the visible bite marks of Natsu.

Levy similes, "Don't worry your not alone." She pulled down her shirt's collar to show me her own bite marks. I'm speechless, then I hear fighting. I turn around, Natsu and Grey are at it again. Arguing face to face, suddenly Katy is there before Erza gets out of her seat. She grabs them by a ear each, they stop. Noticing her angry presence, and they gulp. She first turned to Grey first, "Stop fighting and if not, you will suffer terrible punishment." She released Grey, and turned to Natsu. "Get a hold of you hormones, Natsu, it maybe Dragon mating season. But you can't go crazy and get yourself killed, or Lucy will suffer my curse! Because she is your damn mate, the only girl you get so don't let it fly out you ears!" She let go of wide eyed Natsu, and frozen guild. She walked back to her seat and sat down, Natsu slowly walks over to me.

Natsu holds me as Erza turns to Katy, "Usually we let Natsu take a round out of newbies, but since he's getting use to mated life. How about we have a fight and see your magic." Katy smiles and nods, then people followed us out. And Master starts the fight, they are equally apart and it started. Erza got into her fairy amor, the strongest. And Katy transformed literally, bathed in a white light. When it disappeared she was in a tight black outfit with her black and white wings. Erza drew a long sword, and charged at Katy.


Hey, thanks for reading. NaLu!

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