Fourth Harmony?

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Honestly Idc if nobody cares this has to be said. Today was the day the beautiful Camila Cabello left Fifth Harmony and it kinda hurts, like a lot. They got me through stuff as a five and I'm forever greatful but I love them individually. No matter how much it hurts to see Camila move on she deserves the best and we should support her descison not bring her down! She did everything for the harmonizers even when some were being bitches about her making solo music with Shawn and MGK. She was always there and the least we can do is SUPPORT her! Ofc I'm upset it all happened to soon but if she's happy then so am I.  I love you Camila!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Remember the date: 19/12/16

The day a new chapter iof Fifth Harmony started!

~Elaine xxx

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