Chapter 3 - Rayna

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'Aren't you excited?' Alice demands playfully as she places her bag into the boot of the car, ensuring she has her phone and other necessities for the trip with her.

'More nervous then excited,' I pull a face but I grin, 'but yeah, still a little excited,'

'We're going home!' She cries out loudly before I shush her on behalf of our neighbours. It's still early and though we're outside, I swear they can still hear everything.

I take one more trip back up to my apartment and check round to see if I've left anything which I don't think I have. I meet Alice by the car and assume we're going to have to wait for Finn to arrive. Unsurprisingly, we do but thankfully it only takes about fifteen minutes.

As soon as he steps out of his car, he's greeted by an engulfment of hugs from both Alice and I.

'It's been too long!' Alice cries dramatically and I agree, clutching my hand over my heart as if distraught.

He plays along to this act and holds a hand over his forehead, feigning weakness.

'Yes it has!' He cries into the street and this time, I don't even bother to warn them about being quiet. There's no point when it comes to Alice and Finn.

Speaking of which, I notice Alice flicking adoring glances towards him and I almost laugh at her. It's obvious she has a crush on him as she has for the last year or so.

I'm not too sure about him, he's rather expressionless when it comes to these situations so I can only hope he feels the same way about her.

'Come on you guys, let's get heading off,'

The two agree and both manage to persuade Finn to drive. I coax Alice into the front seat whilst I settle myself in the back, preferring it since I have more space.

Once we set off, the atmosphere is so cluttered with the three of us singing at the top of our lungs, whether we know the words to the songs or not. Snacks are passed around with Alice feeding Finn since he's driving and we all exchange gossip of the people we know and the people we don't.

It feels like after all this time being separated, we've become even stronger.

'So I heard news that Mia is dating someone again,' Finn says casually, flicking a glance at me.

'Who?' I gasp, 'imagine if it's Hayden again,'

'No no, Hayden's only been home a week or so, surely he can't be with her yet?' Alice chips in, ripping off a piece of a sandwich and eating it. She offers me a bit but I refuse.

'So who is it then?' I ask Finn and he laughs.

'You'll love this one,' He says, 'do you remember Ben?'

'The Ben who was obsessed with Rayna?' Alice gasps.

'No!' I laugh outright, 'is she actually?'

'Yep, I was a little shocked to be honest, never expected them to get close,'

'Same here,'

I lean over The front seats as best I can and try to change the music station, failing as I realise my arms aren't long enough. If only they'd extend just a little further.

'Guys, aren't you going to help,' I mutter in annoyance of which they both exchange glances at.

'Nah,' Alice winks, 'we're in the front seat therefore meaning we decide on the radio station,' she turns up the volume dial even though it's only adverts playing.

'You're just been difficult,' I whine though they both shrug. I swear, I hate it when they gang up on me.

'I sent Hayden a text about our arrival,' Finn says, distracting me from the extremely loud adverts playing through the speaker. He seems to sense this and turns the volume down a little more, ignoring Alice's adamant expression.

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