Chapter 17 - Rayna

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I'm not too sure where I'm going, I'm trusting my conscious to lead me since I'm not paying attention to directions myself. I'd gone back home earlier but then left again, anxious to get some air. Now I'm wandering this way and that in the dark, trying to relieve my unexpected anger.

Why am I angry?

What right do I have to be annoyed that Alexis kissed Hayden? None.

I don't have any right.

I repeat this over and over in my mind and yet my frustration increases. Alexis knew I'd always liked him and yet she waltzes over as if it's no big deal, and kisses him.

If I'd have imagined anyone to do that, I would've guessed it to be Mia.

Unfortunately, it seems as though my fierce thinking actually summons the two of them since I see them steadily approaching me in the opposite direction.

Alexis grins widely and waves enthusiastically, once again greeting me as she would do a friend. Her teeth glint in the moonlight, giving the appearance of a viscous creature.

Mia, on the other hand, glances down, refusing to meet my eyes. I'm surprised at this action and yet don't show it.

'Hey again, Rayna!' Alexis calls, jogging forward to reach me. Once again, she throws her arms around me, ignoring the fact that I'd seen her earlier today already. I push her off me, not intending to show any kindness towards her. I know she's trying to play some game to separate Hayden and I and as of right now, it actually seems to be working.

I'm not ready to be spun in another messy web.

'Hi, Rayna,' Mia says slowly, hesitantly raising her head. She looks nervous and I send her a quick forced nod before turning to look back at Alexis.

'Are you going for a walk too?!' She questions enthusiastically and I nod, 'why don't you come and join us, rather then being alone?'

'No thanks, I'd rather be alone,' I state bluntly and she frowns before quickly replacing it with a smile.

'Oh come on, Ray! It'll be like old times,'

I glower at her and her eyes widen slightly.

'Don't use that line on me. Those times are over so don't bring them back up,' I snap.

Her smile instantly fades, replaced with irritation.

'God, Rayna you should really lighten up,' she says gently. To anyone overhearing, it would've sounded calm and concerned and yet with context, there is a smug tone laced into her words, 'you're still acting like a child, the same you were god knows how long ago,'

I know she's testing me, pushing to see how far she can take it before I snap. I swallow my anger, regaining calm.

'Please, Alexis, go for your walk. Right now I'd rather be alone,'

'Oh Rayna,' she sighs sadly, 'you'll always be alone anyway, particularly now that Hayden wants me rather then you,'

I freeze and take a threatening step forward.

'Have him,' I seethe, 'I'm sure you think the two of you are made for each other,' I add a slight musical tone to the end of my sentence, my anger evident through this.

Mia gently places a hand on her friend's shoulder whilst Alexis tries reinforcing her spot of authority within this conversation.

'I will have him. You stole him from Mia anyway so it's about time you got a taste of your own medicine,'

'Considering he's not mine anyway, it's hardly giving me a taste of my own medicine,' I snap back, crossing my arms and trying not to smirk at her expression.

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