Chapter 18 - Hayden

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I'm so tired and yet try to fight exhaustion as I drive back home towards my house. I wanted to stay at the hospital with Anna but I'd been sent home by my father who suggested to get some sleep in a natural environment for me.

He's right, if I'd have stayed there I wouldn't have been able to sleep.

I roll down my window, hoping the crisp night air will wake me up and thankfully it does. I exhale and smile to myself. This day has been stressful and all I want to do is get home, crawl into bed and completely forget about it.

Unfortunately, I should've guessed this wouldn't happen since I hear a loud voice suddenly shout out. I'm driving slow by a pavement. Since it's late at night, the roads are vacant and so I take care when driving this time, not wanting to crash as a result of my tiredness.

I frown once I hear another shout and recognise the voice to be female. I park my car by the pavement and cautiously get out, holding a phone ready to dial if things were to become difficult.

The voices are much louder as I approach a break in the constant row of houses. I'm not sure why I feel the need to involve myself in a situation like this and yet I don't want to ignore someone who seems as though they're in distress.

I hide around the corner, staying hidden as I listen into their conversation. This time, rather then the girl shouting it's instead the man.

'What the hell was that for?!' He exclaims gruffly and in the shadows, his silhouette bends down to grab his leg. I frown as I wonder who's actually the victim in this situation.

'I told you not to touch me,' the girl says spitefully and instantly I feel my eyes widen.


I question. It certainly sounded like her. I peek round the corner and see her shoulder length hair lit by a dim lamp above. Her eyes are glinting though rather with danger, it seems more like fear. She's so close I could probably brush her shoulder if I really reached out.

Apparently her response isn't appreciated by the person with her and they viciously grab her wrist, shoving her right against the wall. The slight echo gives away the idea that it's painful and I wince myself upon hearing the impact.

I study her even closer and see her face paling suddenly. Her breathing quickens as anxiety engulfs her in one breathless casing. And that's when I know I can't just ignore this now.

I emerge from the corner and shove the guy back with force. He swings his first in my direction and yet misses, probably because I'm still concealed in shadow.

'What the hell do you think you're doing?!' I cry out at the man, who's noticeably taller and bulkier then me. They take a threatening step forwards before immediately halting.

'Hayden?' They ask in question which only raises my suspicion. I glare, taking a stance that I hope seems threatening. Rayna is now by my side, anger leaking over her features.

The guy steps into the light and I feel my position relax momentarily.

'Ben?' I sigh and stand straight again. He comes up to me and pats my shoulder in a friendly manner. I don't appreciate this gesture, especially with the way I'd just seen him act towards Rayna.

'Hey, it's great to see you again d-'

I cut him off before he can continue, holding my hand up and taking a protective position in front of Rayna. She doesn't seem to appreciate this though, and returns to a spot beside me.

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