Chapter 15 - Rayna

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After my recent discussion with Hayden, I imagined he'd want to avoid me again for the remainder of my trip so you can imagine my surprise once my mother calls me down, stating he's here to see me.

I descend down the stairs cautiously and see him stood in the hall, studying one of the many random paintings on the wall. It amuses me to see him so interested in art. I hadn't expected him to take a history of art course and yet from what I've heard from Anna, he really seems to enjoy it. Alano would be proud.

One of the steps I'm balancing on creaks from under my weight and he turns to shoot me a sheepish smile.

'Hey,' I say and he repeats the greeting, 'what are you doing here?' I ask and he shrugs, sticking his hands into his pockets.

'I came to see if you wanted to come out with me,' he says and I glance at the door.

'Now?' I ask and he nods, confirming this. I flush momentarily before nodding.

'Y-yeah, just let my grab my phone,'

I linger in my room for a few moments once I tuck the phone into my back pocket. Whilst I'm ecstatic to spend time with Hayden, I also ponder on why he had a change of heart.

I shake off these thoughts, instead choosing to accept the fact regardless of what encouraged him to do so. He's leaning against the door frame in the hall when I step down the stairs again.

'You ready?' He asks and I nod. He steps to the side, allowing me through first before he shuts the door behind him. I try not to study him for the moment, though I blush as I briefly take in his appearance. Simple jeans and a tee shirt seem to fit him well and I half wish I'd been a little more considerate over my clothing choice this morning.

'So where are we planning on going?' I ask and he stays silent for a moment, as if wondering this himself. Finally he tilts his head slightly and sends me a small smile, a simple prominent on his left cheek.

'I was thinking about heading over to the park, near the forest part where it's more quiet,' he says, 'if that's alright with you. If you want to go somewhere else then that's f-'

'The park sounds great,' I smile. I glance down at his arm which is swinging next to my own. A while ago, even when we'd just been friends, I would grab Hayden's hand to express the affections to whom I'd only considered as a friend at the time.

I want desperately to take his hand again right now but I know, particularly with our current situation, it probably isn't appropriate. I bite my lip but cross my arms, forcing myself to stop thinking about memories like that.

Instead I let him walk a little ahead, so I could flick nervous glances towards him without him suspecting anything.

Upon arriving at the park, he holds the gate out for me and thank him. As opposed to last time, he now grins at me graciously and nods. I step through, finding the area we're in to be mostly empty. A young boy and what I assume to be his dad are playing together in the sand pit, shouting in laughter.

I smile without realising and sit myself on a bench near a tree in the corner. Hayden follows me and seats himself beside me. It's like a parallel to last time I'd seen him here and yet this time, the tension is so much calmer and he's being pleasant.

At the same time as this, I realise that the setting is reminiscent of what someone would consider to be a date and I ponder on whether Hayden intended it to be like this or not.

Once I flick my gaze towards him, he's already looking straight back at me. I avert my eyes swiftly.

'I didn't mess with any of your plans today did I?' He asks and I shake my head.

They Said That I Had Changed - Book 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن