Chapter 14 - Hayden

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There's no reason why I'd have to apologise. Rayna and I were never really together and yet, the guilt of the kiss shared with Alexis raids my mind. It overcomes my thoughts with an invasion, a constant picture engraved into my eyes of that moment.

I hate it being there. I can barely look at the girl in front of me right now without feeling as though I've betrayed her.

I know Rayna is suspicious now, particularly because, to her, I apologised for no reason. I try to brush it off as best as I can.

'You can stop worrying,' I say casually though internally my heart is racing, 'Nothing's wrong,'

She studies me more a few moments longer before smiling and nodding.

'Okay good,'

I don't even understand why but my stomach flips slightly when I see that smile again. It's almost as though we've gone back two years and she seems like my trustworthy, understanding best friend again.

My hands are shaking slightly when I glance down and I clench them into fists to minimise the movement.

'Rayna?' I ask and she flicks her gaze up to meet my own.

'Yeah?' She asks.

'Maybe...maybe I should tell you about why I'm the way I am,' I say before I can stop myself. I never intended to tell her anything about my time away and yet here I am, willing to spill the events to her.

She seems shocked at this statement too, and stares at me for a moment before nodding slightly.

'O-okay then,' she says.

I smile gratefully in response.

'So I attended some school in New Zealand and it wasn't too bad at first,' I admit. I recall everyone being friendly and accepting towards me, 'the people were really nice even though I was really nervous,'

'Well you're new, what's your name?' A girl asks me, smiling awkwardly as she opens her file.

'H-Hayden,' I stutter, anxious of this being my first day.

'That's nice, H-Hayden,' she chuckles to herself, obviously considering herself amusing, 'I'm Jo, welcome to History of Art,'

'Thanks,' I say, this time successfully managing to say my words clearly.

'That's good,' Rayna says and it takes me a minute to catch on what she's talking about. It's rare I zone out.

'Yeah, it was. There was this really nice person who helped me get around the place, along with her friend she was pretty much the only one who ended sticking up for me,'

Rayna suddenly frowns.

'Sticking up for you?' She repeats the words slowly, 'what do you mean?'

'Well, I made a lot of mistakes and I hate even thinking I was the person who did this,' I stare at my hands, feeling the miserable frown settling across my face.

Rayna shuffles the smallest bit closer and gently pats my arm reassuringly.

'What sort of mistakes?'

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