Chapter 13 - Rayna

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I arrive at Alice's house, exactly on the time she'd told me to come. It makes a change, normally I'm really early or late.

I step inside the house, just walking in as she'd also directed me to do. I can hear the television go off and I enter the living room with a smile on my face.

'Al, do you know you're-'

I freeze suddenly with my arms out slightly as I realise the person occupying the room isn't Alice but rather, Hayden.

Deciding to be mature about the situation, I nod at him politely before taking a step forward.

'Do you know where Alice is?' I ask and he appears thoughtful for a moment, as if considering.

'Nope,' he says, flashing me a smile that I can't tell whether it's genuine or sarcastic.

Once again trying to be civil, I send him a forced smile in thanks and turn on my heel to look for her upstairs.

As I turn the corner, Hayden calls me back in what has to be his quietest voice he can manage. It's almost as if he doesn't want me to hear him.

I retrace my steps, standing at the door once again and cocking my head slightly.

'What's the matter?' I ask and he averts my gaze quickly.

He mumbles something and I take a step forward.

'I didn't hear you, what did you say?'

He exhales and flicks a glance towards me before removing it again.

'I said,' he hesitates and it's clear he's struggling to say whatever it is he wants to. He stops again and I shrug.

'I'm just gonna find Alice, call me down if you have something to tell me,' I say and go to turn on my heel again before his hand grabs my wrist. I'm a little shocked but I face him anyway and remove my hand from his grasp.

'Rayna, I'm sorry,' he says quickly and I feel my eyes widen, 'I'm sorry for being so...rude to you when I know you don't deserve it. Truth is, I suppose a small part of me still misses you even though I try to ignore it. But I still shouldn't have treated you the way I did and for that,' He sighs and sends me a sheepish smile, 'I'm really sorry,'

I pause for a moment, my head clouding with confusion. I hadn't ever expected him to apologise to me so I'm not even sure what to think.

I swallow nervously and tug on a strand of my hair as I stare at the floor.

'I-it's okay Hayds,' I say with a smile which he reciprocates. He hesitantly steps forward and places his arms around me to which I can't help but beam at.

I hug him back tightly and can't help but feel happiness at the moment. I have no idea what changed his mind but apparently it worked.

'So where actually is Alice?' I ask and he cracks the knuckles of his hands nervously.

'Actually I asked if she'd invite you over and then go out so I could talk to you,' he admits, 'she warned me that if I upset you then I'd be in trouble,'

'That sounds like Alice,' I say, feeling bad that he assumed I wouldn't speak to him if he'd called me over himself.

'So, um, are you okay with staying round for a little while?' He asks before adding onto this, 'like old times?'

I consider this for a moment, wondering whether it's actually a good idea. Eventually I nod slowly in agreement.

'Yeah, sure,' I say and he grins. I sit down in the sofa and he takes the seat beside me.

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