Chapter 16 - Hayden

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I want to go after her, I really do but at the same time I don't even know what I'd say. 'Oh, sorry for kissing your old friend when I was pissed you went out with Alano even though I know it wasn't a date,' It sounds pathetic.

Still, I can't just let her leave and assume the worst of me.

What had I ever been thinking, kissing Alexis that time? I feel so stupid, it's a regret I'll never be able to forget.

I begin to walk in the same direction as she had done before my phone rings. I abruptly stop walking and answer it swiftly without even checking the name of the caller. I hope it's Rayna.

It's not, instead it's my dad who sounds frantic and terrified.

'Hayden, Hayden can you get to the hospital?' He demands, 'quickly, as quick as you can,'

'Why?' I ask though I'm now breaking out into a run to my house where my car is.

'It's Anna, she's having her baby. I would've told you sooner but everything just happened so fast and now I'm here,'

'Calm down dad,' I say gently, 'I'll be there soon. Everything will be fine,'

'Okay, please hurry,'

'I will do,' I promise and end the call, sprinting back to my house. I'll have to speak to Rayna at another time, right now definitely isn't good.

It doesn't take me long to arrive at my car and I swiftly unlock the door, start up the engine and drive towards the hospital. I don't even have enough time to worry about directions and instead, I let my conscious take over this position as I instead focus on Anna's well being.

After about ten minutes of narrowly missing red lights and pedestrians crossing the roads, I slow my frantic driving as I reach the car park of the hospital. I find, not that it's much of a shock, that there are very limited parking spaces and so rather then being picky, I back my car into the first spot I see.

I'm out of the car in merely minutes and I run into the hospital, repeating Anna's full name to the receptionist without any context.

I'm guessing she's had quite a lot of experience with this and she calmly yet swiftly shuffles through her notes before scanning the computer screen in front of her. After typing a few things, she then directs me to where Anna should be, giving me strict orders not to enter the room.

I follow the directions she'd given me, struggling at first because of the confusing layout of the hospital. Once I reach the room, I spot Kyra scanning her phone.

She glances up as she hears my footsteps and shoots me a closed smile. How is she acting so calm in this situation?

She stands and gives me a hug, probably seeing the frustration and worry on my face.

'You like you've been through hell,' she comments and I close my eyes briefly.

'Not quite hell but something like that,' I say, 'I'm an idiot,' I then continue, not offering her any context. She studies my expression curiously but doesn't pressure me to explain anything. Instead, she leads me over to a small waiting area where plush sofas are pressed against the walls of a boxed off room.

There are a few people scattered around but otherwise, the area is quiet.

Despite the relaxing environment, anxiousness claws at me, tightening in my chest. I don't even understand why I'm so worried but I can't help it.

A picture of Anna in her vulnerable state flashes in my head and I squeeze the arms of my chair. It's reminding me scarily of my own mum, though my mum didn't die during childbirth (Not that I think Anna will either).

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