Chapter 19 - Rayna

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After a day or so, I receive a call telling me I should stop round at Hayden's house. I haven't seen him around since I stayed there earlier this week so I accept without much thought.

I knock on the door of their house and hear a few murmurs before I'm greeted enthusiastically by an excited looking Kyra. She throws her arms around me tightly, engulfing me into a hug.

'Rayna!' She cries whilst I chuckle at her greeting.

'Hi, Ky,' I say, embracing her back. She grins and steps back, allowing me entrance into their house. I flick my eyes around the hall as if I expect Hayden to be there.

Obviously he isn't and I make my way into the front room to see if he'd be in there. Apparently, it's a lucky guess since I see him settled on the sofa with his back towards me.

'Hi,' I say softly and he spins round to face me, eyes bright and welcoming.

'Hey Ray,' he says and waves me over with an arm. As I approach him, I see the reason behind his hesitation to move. In his arms, a tiny sleeping baby is settled, staring up with wide eyes.

I unconsciously smile and kneel down beside Hayden to get a better look at the young child. I fix a stare at him and we lock eye contact until he cocks his head slightly.

'So this is Theo?' I say, more of a statement then a question but Hayden nods anyway.

'Yeah, cute isn't he?' He states and I nod, once again turning to face the baby.

I notice Hayden's eyes lingering on me for a moment before focusing on Theo again.

'Is this why you called me?' I ask and he nods before scratching his arm sheepishly.

'Yeah but I also wanted you know, to talk,'

I try to hold back a blush and seat myself at the other end of the sofa, watching whilst ensuring I keep a safe distance.

'O-okay,' I say.

'Have you seen Ben round since your last...meeting?' He questions, a grimace fixed to his face as he mentions his name.

'No, why?'

'I just don't want him around you,' he says, 'I don't trust Ben at all,'

'Yeah neither do I,'

We're both staring at Theo, as if he is the distraction from the awkward silence. Finally Hayden glances up and nods towards him.

'Do you want to hold him?' He asks and my eyes widen slightly. Of course I want to, but I also don't want to make a fool of myself trying to.

Despite this, I still nod.

'Yeah, okay,'

He holds the young boy out towards me and I take him gently, resting him in my lap. Light blue eyes catch my own as the little boy stares intently at me. He blinks and squirms before settling down and I can't help but smile. I flick a look at Hayden and grin.

'He's so sweet,' I say quietly, as to not disturb him. Hayden nods in agreement.

'I know,' he says simply. At this point, I notice Kyra standing at the door, smiling at the sight in front of her.

'I think he likes you, Ray,' she says and I blush. Whilst I know she's talking about Theo, at first I take it that she's referring to Hayden.

'I hope so,' I say back.

'Actually I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment, Rayna,' she flicks her gaze towards Hayden, 'It'll only be a few minutes,'

I nod and hand Theo back to Hayden.

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