Chapter 10 - Hayden

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As I take Blake home, I can tell he's annoyed with me. He walks ahead and won't look at me when I try to make conversation with him.

'I'm sorry I had to take you from the park early, I can take you again tomorrow or something,' I say. He turns around and scowls at me.

'I don't care about that,' he snaps.

'Then what's the matter with you?'

'Why are you always so nasty to everyone?' He demands, 'Rayna is so nice and yet you were so mean to her before,'

'Mean? That's the nicest I've been in a long time,'

'Not when you walked off and completely ignored her. I thought you two were friends and yet you push her away the same as you do with everyone else,'

'I don't push everyone away,' I snap but think about it all the same. At least I don't think I do.

'Yes you do. You're an adult now and yet I act more mature then you,'

I scowl at him now but he's just pulling the exact same expression back.

'That's not true,' I mutter and he actually laughs, though it sounds more sarcastic then sincere.

'Yeah whatever, just next time don't come with me to the park,'

I roll my eyes and laugh harshly at him.

'I'm deeply hurt by that comment, Blake,' I chuckle but it seems he's bored of this conversation. He walks ahead and won't slow down this time so there's at least a meter between us. It continues like this the entire way back but by this point, I don't really care anyway.

Upon reaching his house, he runs inside and shuts the door behind him. He's not preventing me from entering but I'd rather making a statement that he doesn't want my company.

I stay outside and lean against the brick wall surrounding their front garden. I flick through my contacts until I come to someone I know won't mind me hanging around.

'Hello?' I say once she picks up the phone after I dial.

'Hayden? Hi, what's up?'

'You're not around are you? I'm bored,'

'Oh yeah, come meet me at my house and we'll walk up to Mia's house together if you want?'

'Okay thanks Alexis, see you soon then,'

I slip the phone back into my pocket and go to walk away before I hear the door open. My sister stands at the door. raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms, trying to seem more authoritative.

'You aren't coming in?' She asks and I shake my head.

'No I'm meeting up with someone,'

She sighs and walks towards me, shutting the door behind her. I'd actually prefer it if she left me alone, I'd rather get going now to avoid communication with her.

'Blake told me what happened in the park before,'

'Of course he did, he can't keep his mouth shut for more then two seconds,' I glance towards the window where I see him peeking out at the two of us.

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