Chapter 7

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I left Jake's house feeling terrible. I felt sorry for what I had said but I also felt sorry that he was so insecure. You could sense Jake's insecurity although he tried to hide it.

Jake never likes to talk about himself, he is always trying to cover his hands when he talks. You can just tell that he is not comfortable most of the time. I want to ask Jake what happened to put him in such a state. But how could I bring up the topic without him getting mad?

*bzzz* *bzzz*

My phone vibrated.

Sorry for going off on you. You deserve to know everything about me. Come over.

I put on my jacket and shoes and headed out the door to Jake's apartment. When he opened the door I wrapped my arms around him and held on for a few seconds.

"I'm so sorry for bringing anything up that I shouldn't. Tell me when you want to," I said. I pulled away and looked up at Jake. His hair was messy and his face was red. He had been crying.

Jake looked down and said "ok". He took my hand and led me to his couch where we both sat down. We sat across from each other and we kept our hands held together.

"Alright," he started, "I'm almost embarrassed to tell you this."

"No, no, don't be. We have all had rough times. I would never judge you." I told him.

"Okay. So when I was in high school got mixed up in the wrong crowd and I started to do drugs and I drank a lot. So one night in my senior year my friends and I were out and I get a call from a private number. At first I wasn't going to answer it thinking they were some kids prank calling me or something. But I did for some reason and a man on the phone was saying, 'Mr. Gyllenhaal? Are you there Jake Gyllenhaal? I have some news for you.' I don't know why but I was just thinking about my parents and I thought they were in trouble or something so I just didn't respond for a while. When I finally said something the man on the other side of the line had told me that my parents were both in a car crash. I went to the hospital but by the time I got there it was too late. Both of my parents didn't survive the crash..."

Jake started crying after he had finished. I pulled him close to me and he buried his head into my chest. We just stayed there for a minute while I rubbed his back telling him that 'everything was going to be okay.'

"If I had gotten there earlier I could have prevented it. Or maybe if I stayed home my parents wouldn't have gone out." Jake kept blaming his parents death on himself. It was unacceptable.

"Shhh. Jake it wasn't your fault. There's no way you could have prevented what happened that night. It isn't your fault." I just kept telling him it wasn't his fault.

Jake sat up and started to talk again.

"I blamed the drugs for making me leave that night. I never talked to those burnouts again. I just quit everything and started studying to go to medical school because that's what my parents always wanted. I miss them so much."

Jake's sobbing had calmed down and now there were just a few tears streaming down his face.

"In sorry. This is really embarassing," he confessed.

"No that's not embarassing, Jake. Its just something that happened to you that you have to move past. That could never be embarassing,"I said.

I felt terrible for Jake. He was blaming himself for everything that happened in the past when none of it was his fault. Jake blamed himself for the accident I was in because he blamed himself for his parents accident. His confidence was lowered by that single event.

I laid my hand on Jake's cheek and caressed it with my thumb.

"You are amazing Jake. I know you don't want to hear it but you need to. You are not responsible for what happened and you have to move past this point in your life. You have amazing people in your life and everyone loves you so much. You just need to do the same."

Jake smashed his lips into mine and gave me a long passionate kiss. When he pulled away he said, "I'm so thankful to have you."

Then we started to kiss again.


Jake's past is finally revealed! I love Anna and Jake's friendship so I'm excited to see where it leads them next! 💛❤💛

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