Chapter 8

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"My parents and I have always had a bad relationship. I just want to be an exceptional daughter for them. Any advice?" Jessie, 24, New York.

Honestly Jessie, I don't have any advice. My parents and I have never had a good relationship and I can't mend it myself.

I made a bullshit response:

"Invite them over to talk and try to work everything out between you and them. Once you understand them and they understand you, the relationship should be stronger."

I was probably the worst advice writer ever. I never take my own advice and I don't even know if it's helpful.


Last night was amazing. After Jake told me about his situation, I stayed at his apartment until early morning. We talked, he asked me out, we kissed. I said yes, obviously. It's strange how life can change in a quick moment. Two years ago I had nothing. One year ago I was on my own and starting my career. A few months ago I was in the hospital. And now, I was in a relationship with the man who put me in the hospital. You're life can change so quick.

Around 5pm I walked over to Jake's house. I stopped by the Chinese restaurant on the way there and got some carry out. Jake loves Chinese food.

I knocked on the door and was greeted with a long passionate kiss from Jake.

"I brought you some food," I shyly said as my face recovered from blushing.

"You're the best, I swear," he said.

I set the carry out on the table but when I was about to open it, I felt a set of hands touch my waist. Jake started to kiss my neck and then I turned around, kissing Jake on the lips. Our kisses turned messy and I felt my self tugging at Jake's shirt. He took it off in one short moment and went back to kissing me. I took off my shirt too and placed my hands on Jake's cheeks, kissing him hard.

Jake started to walk back so we could do this on his bed, but walking over there we kept stumbling and tripping because we were still making out. We finally got to his bed and I fell back on it. We both started laughing and then Jake leaned down and kissed me again. His hands traveled to the middle of my back and he unclipped my bra.

"Damn," he whispered, almost inaudible.

I blushed hard and pulled him closer to me so we were both laying on his bed now, him on top of me. Jake slid my pants down and started to move his hand over my vagina. I moaned so he found an opportunity to tease me. He started placing butterfly kisses all the way from my neck to my stomach. When he was at my hips he grabbed my panties and slid them down my legs.

I felt a finger slip inside of me and Jake started pumping at my soft spot.he slid in another and started to pump harder and harder.

"Fuck Jake!" I moaned. I threw my head back from the amount of pleasure he was giving me.

Jake started to thrust his fingers harder into me until I finally came.

"Fuck," I whispered.

"You like that, huh?" Jake teased. He moved back up and kissed me on the lips.

"You're so beautiful," he said in between kisses.

"You are too," I said and placed my hands on his abs.

Jake rolled over so he was now laying next to me. I took his white comforter and covered up my naked body. I turned and looked into his eyes for a few seconds. He was so beautiful. How did I ever get so lucky?

"Oh shit, I forgot about the carry out. Its probably cold now," he mentioned and giggled.

"Its okay," I said, "this was a lot better."

We laid in bed for a few hours just talking. The carry out was cold but good. The night was perfect.


Merry Christmas every one! This is my Christmas gift for you: a sexy chapter! Hope you all have a great Christmas ❤💛❤

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