Chapter 2

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The rain comes down hard, harder than it was an hour ago. My hair, my clothes, my body is soaked with freezing water. I shiver violently refuse to go home. Maybe I like this sensation. The sensation of helplessness, but I only like it in certain situations.

I stop for moment to let my aching legs rest and check out my surrounds. 'Don't stop, don't look, just keep going.' I scold myself. Besides, with this rain, I can barely see two feet ahead of myself.

Aunt Kathleen must be worried sick about me, but I couldn't care less. I don't care how much trouble I will be in. I know I will be in trouble because I have no doubt the school called and said I ditched again. But there is a small possibility that I could get off the hook. Maybe Aunt Kathleen thinks I went to go visit Mom. School ended about 3 hours ago, that's usually how much time I spend with Mom, and the last couple times I've ditched that's where I went.

That's when I hear it, the click of a gun. I lift my head to see a black figure standing less than a foot away, holding the gun.

"Give it to me!" The figure demands.

"Give you what?" My voice quivers.

"Don't act stupid! Give me the backpack!" My mysterious robber yells.

I shakily peel the backpack from my back. I'm about to hand it over when, I hear another voice.

"Leave her alone." A deep voice instructs.

I turn my head slowly to see another mysterious figure.

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do, tough guy?" The criminal sneers.

Everything is silent for a minute, and nobody moves. Each second seems to last forever. I know I have only been standing here for a couple of minutes, but it feels like hours. Then a gun goes off. I let out a shriek and crouch down to the ground.

"I'll do that." The second figure says.

I don't hear anything from my mysterious robber, only his hurried footsteps. He's running away.

"Here." The stranger from behind me says and offers me my back pack. I must have dropped it.

I look up at the person who probably just saved my life. Now that he stands in front of me I can finally see his appearance.

He's a handsome boy, without doubt no older than 18. His hair is dark as night except for one streak, which is dyed white. He wears a simple black t-shirt, black jeans, a black jacket, and combat boots.

"Thanks." I take my backpack from him.

"So what? Did you runaway or something?" He questions.

I shake my head, but I'm not sure.

"We need to get you out of this rain. Come with me." He takes my hand and helps me up.

"Wait, what's your name?" I ask, as I dig my heels into the pavement.

He smirks. "Jason. Jason Todd."

As promised, here is Chapter 2. Thank you all for expressing an interest in this story. I hope you enjoy.

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