Chapter 35

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A cool breeze wafts through the courtyard, making the tree above me rustle. I lean my head against the tree trunk and breathe in the soft air.

"Why do we have so much homework?" Kat whines, causing me to start giggling.

"Because, as you'll learn later on, teachers are cruel human beings that feed on our misery." I explain.

"Apparently." Kat rolls her eyes.

"It's not that bad," Tim shrugs, closing his binder, "It's not hard. It just takes a while."

"Says you." Kat narrows her eyes.

I laugh, not noticing the sound of footsteps and the large group approaching.

"Hey, Lucy, Tim, Kat, Damian." Antonio smiles.

"Hi, Antonio...and friends." I say, returning the smile.

"We wanted to come by and say hello, hopefully stay with you guys and chat." Dina says, stepping out from behind Daisy.

"Um...sure. Just find a place to sit." I shuffle sideways and move closer to Damian, who has been silent this entire time.

The group crowds around us, placing themselves on the ground around us. I watch as Antonio places himself close to me. Francine shoots me a glare and plops down next to Antonio, almost in his lap.

"What did you guys think of your first day at Gotham?" Dina directs the question to Tim, Kat, and Damian.

"It was fine. It was...different." Tim answers for the small group.

"Good different?" Antonio raise an eyebrow.

"Oh, yes." Kat smiles and rapidly nods her head.

Dina and Antonio laugh. They're the only ones out the group that are actually involved in this conversation.

"Lucy, what did you think of your first day back?" Dina shoots me a sympathetic smile.

I smile at her and reach for her hand. She looks at my outstretched hand, then slowly slides her hand onto mine. "It was wonderful. Thank you." I squeeze her hand.

"You're welcome." Dina returns the squeeze.

"And thank you." I pull my hand away from Dina and wrap my arms around Antonio's neck. He instantly brings his hands and places them on my arms.

"Any time." He says.

In that moment, I realize I have something I've always wanted. Friends. Dina and Antonio are the first people from school to make friends with me. They care about me, miss me when I'm gone, and genuinely like being around me. They don't care that I'm different or that my parents are dangerous. They don't pay attention to that. They pay attention to me.

It surprises me. The people I call friends. Dina, she used to be scared of me, not want anything to do with me, but now, she's one of my best friends. And Antonio, he's so new. I thought after he learned the truth about me, he wouldn't want anything to do with me. But he's still here. They're both here.

I smile at them, then turn to look at Tim, Kat, and Damian. "And Thank you!" I exclaim, crushing them all in a huge hug.

Tim and Kat gladly wrap their arms around me, but Damian fidgets a bit, uncomfortable with the sudden movement. It doesn't take him long, though. Within seconds, he's given up trying to escape and joined or hug.

"You're welcome." Tim and Kat say at the same time. We stay this way for a minute, enjoying each other's presence.

"Awwww, family hug. Why wasn't I invited?" A familiar voice ask.

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