Chapter 5

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The weekend went by quicker than I expected because its now Monday. I did my normal routine in the morning. Showered, minor make up aka just mascara and left my hair to go naturally curly. 

A shock to myself, when I went down stairs my parents were sat in the kitchen. My mother was cooking breakfast while my dad sat there reading the morning newspaper. 

I haven't spoken to either of them since that Saturday morning when they came home, finding Penny hungover on our sofa. Not that they speak to me when I'm home anyway, we normally try to avoid each other, you could say they don't really like me as their child, honestly don't think they wanted a child. Half the time its like I'm invisible to them. 

When I walk in the kitchen, I mumble a morning just to be polite and they do the same back I grabbed a cereal bar out of the cupboard before walking out of the house and starting my way to school. They didn't say bye, neither did I. 

"Poppy!" I heard Penny shout my name as I got to the school gate. 

"Did I get you into trouble Saturday?" She asked as we walked into school, making me sigh. 

"No, dad was just in a bad mood because they had to come off of their business trip earlier than expected." 

She nodded. "Never guess who I saw Saturday when I left your house?" Penny changed the subject making me raise an eyebrow at her. 


"Harry Styles." 

"Really? Where?" I asked.

"He was outside your house. Asked me if you were in but I said he was best to leave you alone because of your parents. He even offered me a ride home." 

"And you couldn't say no." I chuckled, knowing Penny says yes to any boy who gives her attention. 

"Of course not" She laughed and then continued. "What was weird though was he kept asking questions about you and your parents." 

"Why is that weird?" I asked.

"Because you know..." She trailed off making me stop in the corridor and look at her. 

"No, I don't. So tell me." Getting frustrated with her but before she could say anything more, the bell to class interrupted her. 

"I have to go, cant be late." She smiled at me before running off to her class. 

I took a slow walk to mine because I now had a lot on my mind. Like why did Penny find it so weird that someone like Harry was asking about me. Wanting to know about me. Why was this so weird and hard to imagine? I know Penny was normally the one to get the boys and they always wanted to know her, not me but why was it weird that suddenly someone is interested in me instead. Was she maybe jealous? 


Every time I saw Penny was avoiding my questions of why, she just didn't want to answer me which was starting to become frustrating. So, as she took off once again to her next class. I took a slow walk to mine with a sigh leaving my lips. 

As I got there I realised, this was the one lesson I had with Harry and his friend Louis. I walked in and took the only seat that was left, second to the back near the window. I didn't mind though because I knew I wouldn't be paying to much attention, especially as Penny and everything that we spoke about this morning was clouding my mind. As I sat down I heard whispering behind me and when I looked in the corner of my eye I saw it was Harry and Louis who was sat behind me, talking with no concern of their volume. 

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