Chapter 27

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It was 10 when I left my house to met Harry at the park. I hope he got my note and that he comes. I don't know why but when I got home last night I felt so guilty about what I said. I mean I could sleep because of it. I have bags under my eyes with the lack of sleep and I knew I had to do something. I don't know if Harry will come tonight but I hope so. I don't know what I will say to him either I just know I need to set this right.

When I got to the park it was 5 past and I went and sat on the swings. I knew he wouldn't be here early that's why I didn't come at dead on 10. It was dark now but luckily it wasn't raining like yesterday. My mum and dad don't care that I sneaked out my bedroom window. I doubt they would've cared if I walked straight out the door but I just didn't want to get a shouting at or a beating.


Its now 10:45 and Harry is still a no show. I don't really care.....well yea I do care if he turns up or not but if he doesn't I don't mind. I mean I was planing on staying here still really late anyway because I don't wanna go home yet. I hate it there. It's not even a home. It's just a house that I live in. It has never been a home to me and it never will be one.

"Thinking too hard again" I heard that all to familiar voice snap me out of my thoughts. I looked up from looking at the ground and saw Harry standed a meter away from me with his hands in his black skinny jeans he was wearing with a white t-shirt and a brown jacket over the top with his brown old boots with holes in.

"When don't I?" I said smiling slightly and he weakly smiled too before his face went to no emotion.

"So why did you want me to met you?" He asked and he didn't come any closer than the meter he was standing away from me. I think I really upset him yesterday with what he said.

"About yesterday-"

"Don't. I don't want to hear it" He interrupted me.

"No just please listen to me" I said more sternly and he just nodded at me to continue.

"Right. I get what I said yesterday was out of order-"

"Ya think?"

"Just let me finish and then you can say whatever you want and tell me to fuck off I don't care." I said and he laughed a bit before keeping a straight face again.

"Okay continue" He said and this time he walked and sat next to me on the swing. I turned to him to see his expression and like before it had no emotion on it.

"Right. Like I said I get what I said yesterday was out of order and I shouldn't of said it but to be honest it was your fault. I mean you asked me to say what I think and I did. You said that as much as I don't like to judge I observe and see everything that happens. So I told you what I see and that was it. Im sorry that i offended you. I mean I could be totally wrong and I guess I am. I'm sure your friends have been there for you for everything. Bad and good. I'm sorry for saying that they weren't." I finshed. I didn't know what else to say. I mean I said I'm sorry and why and that it was partly his fault but now I don't know what to say so I just looked at him.

He looked up from his lap and locked eyes with me.

"Was that it?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yea I guess, I mean I don't know what else to say..." I trailed off.

"Don't worry you said everything you needed to" He said and I looked at him confused.


"So you're forgiven. I mean I did ask for it as you said, its partly my fault. I asked you to not hold back and just say what you thought and you did. I shouldn't have got offended when I asked for it. You just hit a hard spot because they have been with me through everything and I don't like it when people say they haven't." He said and i understood, its the same with me and Penelope when we were friends.

"Don't worry I understand"


"Yea it was the same with me and Penelope when we were friends"

"How is that?" He asked

"What me and Penelope?" He nodded. "I don't know I haven't spoken to her since the day she shouted at me basically and she's got new friends and I don't really know what to try or say to her anymore. She holds grudges so bad and I don't know how to make her not hold it. She's Penelope. She will do what she thinks is right and won't listen to anyone else. She's always been like that. I guess that's sort of one of the reasons why we became best friends in the first place." I said and Harry smiled. "Why you smiling?"

"Its just I can tell how true your too friendship was. I can tell that you miss her, so why give up?" He asked

"I don't know. What's the point in trying when the person has already given up themselves. Its like waiting for something that will never happen. A waste of time. And I don't really wanna waste anymore time on anyone then I have already" I said and his smile faded a bit.


"I don't know. What's the point in trying when the person has already given up themselves. Its like waiting for something that will never happen. A waste of time. And I don't really wanna waste anymore time on anyone then I have already" She said and my smile faded. She doesn't want to waste time on people but she doesn't know that she's wasting her time on me. I'm just going to break her in the end. Not that I want to. I've tried getting out of this bet but Zayn won't have it. I know that I'm falling for Poppy probably more than she's falling for me but I can't stop it. I don't know how. I've never fallen for someone this hard before Poppy came along. I know I went out with people but that was true love that was just fooling around or not that serious. But for once in my life I want a serious relationship with Poppy. I never wanted a serious relationship till now. Till Poppy came along.

"Penny for you thoughts" I heard Poppys voice snap me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know I was just thinking..." I trailed off

"About what?" She asked

"Have you ever done thing or agreed to something that you wish you could take back but you cant?" I asked not giving to much away.

"No I don't think so why?"

"I don't know I was just thinking about it for some reason" I said and smiled at her hoping she was drop it, which she did.




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