28: Lessons

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I sent the bad blood to Hugin's Nest, and grinned as his skin started healing visibly.

--- Greta's POV ---

"There. More nutrient supplements and saline wash should be more than enough to heal him the rest of the way. The poison is..." I took a small sample of his blood, and added a drop of acid, watching the colors. It didn't change colors at all, though it fizzed, and I nodded. "Gone. His blood is clean now." I smiled.

"How long do you think he'll take to heal fully?" She asked.

"Hmm..." I looked down at him, and nodded. "I think, with his current recovery rate, a few hours and he'll be conscious. A few days, he'll walk, and in a month he'll be back at fighting weight."

"What's... Fighting weight?" She asked slowly.

"It's an expression, it means he'll be about as strong as he can be. He'll be in nigh-perfect condition, is what I meant." I explained.

She smiled. "Amazing..."

"What's really amazing is his regeneration ability... how does that happen, do you know?" I asked.

She nodded. "It's an ability all powerful demons have, myself included. Our cells are Constantly dying, just like yours, but we replace them before they die, creating the illusion that time hasn't passed. The body believes itself immortal. Then, of course, you add in that we are basically immortal, and well." She shrugged.

I hummed. "Very interesting... so it's Genetic? Or is it Taught?"

"A bit of both, but I believe Non-Demons have learned it before. I'd be happy to teach you." She smiled.

I grinned. "I'd like that... but I have to report to your father, before anything else."

She nodded. "Thank you, for helping him."

"It's my pleasure." I laughed, and jogged out.

I stood next to Prince Dianthus, and tapped his elbow. The King was Litigating to a pair of people, seemingly settling a dispute.

Prince Dianthus looked down, and I smiled, holding up a thumbs-up, and nodding towards the hall towards the Medical Room.

He raised an eyebrow, and connected to me telepathically. 'Already?'

I nodded. 'Easy as pie, if you've got the Know-How. I do.'

He smirked. 'Alright. Wait a bit, this'll take a while longer.'

'What's the problem?' I asked.

'Xoran thinks Coryth is a Liar, and backed out of a Deal he made, to give Thirty Human Slaves to Xoran, upon completion of a Bet. Coryth says that the bet was never won, and Xoran owes him the thirty slaves.' He said, dry voice betraying his boredom.

'What was the Bet?'

'Whether or not the Prince Gregor of Iberia would die, Summoning Azathoth.'

'That's easy enough. He survived. I was there, remember? I made him give me his Scale, and also he gave me a Journal, with links to curing The Prince.' I shrugged.

He snapped his gaze to me, and growled out loud in draconian. "Enough... a Witness has stated that Gregor Survived the Summoning, and parted in peace from Azathoth. Xoran, pay your dues, or the King will make you pay from your Soul."

The King looked at me, and I smiled. "I was there. He's a friend of mine's older brother." I shrugged.

He chuckled. "Why am I not surprised? You are well connected, cunning, Resourceful... hmm... I like you even more now. How would you like to become part of my family?" He grinned.

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