First Date (Short Story)

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(Before AD CF: ANB- Case 4: The Deathly Turnabout)


This is it! Our first date! It's been a long time since I dated someone. Don't mess it up, Xeno... I wore what I usually wore at home. It was a red sports jacket (which I usually leave opened) over a white polo shirt, denim jeans, and dark red tennis shoes.

"H-hello, Vesgate!" Oh gosh, I stammered! Stay calm, Xeno...! I can already feel my face reddening...

"H-hi, Mr. Fender," he greeted, his cheeks reddening. He was just as nervous as me...! He was wearing an blue, unbuttoned and sleeveless cardigan over a long-sleeved shirt with the lighter color. He was also wearing dark blue jeans, and deep blue-colored sneakers. How cute!

"S-so..." he began. "Wh-what do you want to do first?"

"Oh! Y-yeah, right!" I realized. I was too busy staring at him... "There's a restaurant nearby that I usually go to. D-do you want to go?"

"Anything you want!" he said, smiling. Aww... He's so sweet!

We've entered the restaurant, and picked our spot. We sat down... Awkward silence starts to linger around. Oh, gosh! I can't believe that I'm sitting with such a cute and pretty guy!

He cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Y-you look great today," he complimented, immediately looking away, face completely red. "I-I mean...!"

"You look great, too!" I responded, smiling. He was still looking away, making me frown. "Come on, look at me..." I begged.

After some hesitation, he finally looked at me straight into the eyes. His face was still burning red. "M-Mr. Fender...?" he questioned. I didn't realize that my face were inching close to his. I'm gonna do it! Even if it's too early...

"M-Mr. Fender?" he repeated.

"Xeno. Call me Xeno," I instructed. My lips was super close to his, but then he pulled his face away.

"I-I think it's too early for that..." he said, looking away. Dammit! You messed it up, Fender!

"Yeah... I-I'm sorry," I apologized to him.

"It's okay," he replied. Silence, once again, filled the air between us.

After a moment, I finally spoke up, "So, what do you want to eat? My treat."

"Oh, no. Don't pay for my food," he said, concern visible in his eyes. "That would too much of trouble."

I shrugged. "No problem!" I assured. "After all, I'm the one who asked you on a date."

"Are you sure that you are okay with this?" he asked, still concerned.

"Definitely!" I answered. "Waiter, please!"

A waiter appeared out of nowhere. Wow, they're fast! He then gave us two menus. "What does our couple for today needs?" he asked.

"C-couple?" we repeated. "How did you know?" I asked.

"Well, you two are, currently, the only customers that are sitting with each other," he replied. I took a look around and... He was right! All other customers are eating by themselves.

"Well, since we grant special service for couples here," he said. "Musicians!" Three violinists appeared and started playing romantic music. "They are free of charge," he reminded. "May I take your order?"

We then gave our order and talked about each other for the rest of the day. We ate our meal with a nice background music. We left the restaurant with happiness and love filling the air.

"That was...great," he commented.

"Yeah, it was," I agreed. "So... Next time?"

"I'll gladly wait for it!" he said, bowing. "Thank you! Goodbye!" He waved at me while walking away, but he stopped and went back. "I forgot something..." He then reached for my cheek and k i s s e d i t. "Bye!"

And there, I was standing, holding the cheek he kissed. That was the best first date ever!

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