It has been a while

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*breathes in deeply* *exhales* Okay! Here we go! Hajimemashou!

So, um, hi! It's been a long while since I've visited the land of Wattpad XD I'm really sorry! This time I have no good excuse to why I was gone for quite a time. Because... The reason's kinda unreasonable...I guess? XD I'll let you judge!

Well, to put it simply, a past passion has been resurrected and a new one has been born. Wait... That's not really simple, was it?

Haha, sorry! What I meant was that my love for anime has been resurrected and thus I have become an otaku once again. You see, I was once an otaku before I found Ace Attorney and before I got hooked into Wattpad.

It was also the time when I just got this iPad of mine. I didn't really know what to do with it until my brother introduced me to anime. I instantly got hooked into it XD

I've watched anime like The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (which I never got to finish), Lucky Star (I think I never finished this either), Sakura Trick (this is a yuri-heavy anime if you didn't know XD), Baka and Test (probably my most favorite anime in the past), Oregairu (I think I never finished this either), Haganai (I think I finished this one but I'm not sure XD), and many more that I've already forgotten.

Moat of these I wasn't able to finish simply because our WiFi wasn't that strong before XD Not that it's very strong nowadays, but it definitely got better XD

So, yeah, I was once an otaku and I most liked the Slice of Life genre. And I still do! In fact, I wanna share to you guys what anime I watch nowadays! I really recommend that you watch them!

• Kiniro Mosaic - This was just a very adorable anime slice of life that restarted my love for anime! Seriously, the reason I watched the anime below was because of this anime.

• K-On! - From Kiniro Mosaic, I started to yearn for more similar anime. And I found this! And it's even mixed with music! And you know me, I am a lover of music! But this anime alone segued to another anime that I will tell later.

• Joukamachi no Dandelion - Skipping the other anime I was talking about for now, this anime is something you'll rarely see. Its characters have superpower but it's just a slice of life anime. Normally, when we're talking about superpowers there'd be action, right? But nope! This anime is just about characters that have superpowers who try to live normal lives! It's like X-Men without the drama and action!

• Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? - This anime is just adorable! I have not finished it, but I am loving it so far! It's one of those café-centered anime, if you know what I mean XD

• Slow Start - Another adorable anime! It's full of anime clichés but still! They do it in a non-irritable way, effectively making it a charming (and quite calm) anime!

• Blend S - Now this... This one's interesting XD Firstly, I found this anime because of memes XD I didn't have any interest in it, but I decided to try it. And oh boy, am I glad that I tried watching it? Yes, yes I am! Because this anime is just killing me with its kawaii-ness XD

And last, but definitely not the least! We have...

• Love Live! School Idol Project - This... Among all the anime I recommended, this one really took the cake. This was the anime I was talking about earlier. K-On brought me to this anime. And, oh my gosh, I'm so glad it did! This anime was just perfect for me! It had everything I was looking for! Slice of Life genre? Check! Good story? Definitely! Great and relatable characters? I dunno about you guys, but this anime managed to make me relate to all of the main characters! Literally, ALL 9 OF THEM! Great music? OH MY GOSH! Just check out my playlist and you can judge from that XD

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