Another Early Sign Up of Characters! (Closed)

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Hello, everyone! Here I am again to bring you another early sign up of characters for Ace Attorney Executions again! ^^

I needed to do this because I want to complete the line up of the characters so I can plan ahead of time for the chapters of these next books XD Yeah, I'm kinda taking this planning thing serious now!

But before we go to the forms to fill up, I felt the need to answer something I forgot to put in my recent chapter....

So some people (only two actually) have been asking me why the relationship between writing and I in the entertainment section is complicated. Well, first of all, it makes me do bad things to the characters I love so much. Secondly, it's been a very stressful experience doing these... And it kinda takes the fun out of writing to me. I guess that's to be expected, but I AM trying to bring the fun in writing again ^^ Cuz it's better if you're actually having fun at the thing you're doing, yes?

Anyhoo! Lemme explain some more things before I finally show the form XD

So the Class at D&R right now is the Class A of their current grade, I can reveal that much. And this form here if for the Class B of their current grade who will have their own killing game somewhere too. That's all I can really say about this XD Now let's get onto it!

Here is the form! ^_^



Age (Any age is allowed, but do keep it realistic. Preferably around 16-19):


Title (Ultimate talent, job, skill, personality, state of life, etc.) (Please explain too):






Others (Optional):

And what I have here is the current cast! Only six slots are available, so be quick and nimble!

Current Cast:

1) Roland Picasso (Ultimate Hiker)
2) Tryfon Harris (Ultimate ???)
3) Angelique Bloodthirst (Ultimate Mafia Leader)
4) Neptuna Cosma (Ultimate Astronomer)
5) Noel Grimes (Ultimate Tidy Person)
6) Monica Clair (Ultimate Ventriloquist)
7) Brock Brooklyn (Ultimate Cheerleader)
8) Melanie Fabrizia Valente (Ultimate Roleplayer)
9) Tiara Iniko Wadzanai (Ultimate Therapist)
10) Stephen Ward (Ultimate Butler)
11) Luke Conrad Ryoshi (Ultimate Chemist) - MehSoybeans
12) Evelyn Vergent (Ultimate Herbologist) - nyxndjazz
13) Xy Ringe (Ultimate Mad Scientist) - risingstaroftheworld
14) Violetta Archerous (Ultimate Archer) - risingstaroftheworld
15) Tyler McMillan (Ultimate Fitness Trainer) - gb_llama
16) Aidan Michael Zeddler (Ultimate Lawyer) - MehSoybeans

There you all go! I hope that you're all willing to lend a helping hand ^^ And that's all for now so...

Stay cool, coolsies! PEACE OUT! Thanks in advance!

UPDATE: Thank you guys soooooo much for your help! I hope we could do this again in the near future (which is actually now since there's a new one already XD). I promise I will use your characters in...many purposes huehue~! XD

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