Open Forum!

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Hello, everyone! How are y'all? ^^

So risingstaroftheworld recently posted a chapter in her random book about an open forum for hr latest chapter. And I thought, "Huh, what if I do that too?".

So here it is! XD

I thought some of you might has some questions about the latest chapter of AAE (or about the whole book too), so I'm giving y'all a chance to ask it here, right here down the comments! You can ask about other things about all of my books and chapters too!

I might still answer if the question's answer is gonna be spoilers XD Keep in mind that I love confusing people though!

I think you know what I mean by that... XD

Anyway! Please leave your questions (in-line comment) on this underlined passage so it'll be easy to be seen.

Ask away and stay cool, coolsies!

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