I'm Finally Back!...plus ideas

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Guys! It's official! I'm actually back! I've decided to make a schedule for writing.

I got two days for writing only! Tuesdays and Thursdays! And I will publish anything that I finished in Saturdays! So stay tuned, coolsies! I'm having a comeback to writing! XD

Anyhoo! The reason I'm here is that I wanna tell y'all an idea I suddenly thought of.

So basically, I thought of this idea due to Dai Gyakuten Saiban. The fact that most of its cases are based from the Sherlock Holmes novels is a great way to make a story. Twisting and turning the original story itself to create something new.

Simply put, I plan to do the same! I want to take a novel and make another story out of it! Unfortunately, there aren't many novels here in the Philippines that tackled the past so much. I wanted a novel that tackled the Colonial Era of the Philippines. Specifically, the Spanish rule era.

Then I realized, there are two novels that tackled that subject! Two famous novels by our national hero Dr. José Rizal: Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me Not) and El Filibusterismo (lit. the filibuster).

And then I realized, Jose Rizal has written more things about literature. Maybe I should include those too! His famous poem Mi Último Adiós (My Last Farewell) and an unfinished story called Makamisa (After Mass) and more!

Basically, this new Ace Attorney book idea will be all about Dr. Jose Rizal's literature works! Books, poems, whatever! I'll make a story out of them! But it would be mostly based on the first two novels I mentioned.

What do you guys think? Think I can pull that off? XD

That's all for now. Stay cool, coolsies! PEACE OUT!

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